OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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Quick rant: So my 15 year old cousin stays in our guest room often because she doesn't really like her house right now (there's an unplanned newborn there and her parents have never really had a lot of time for their kids), which I don't mind... When she's not taking my clothes, or talking endlessly while I'm watching my two TV shows at their weekly times, or taking my Nfinitys and wearing them to her sisters softball practice after I told her not to. (*twitches*) It doesn't even bother me that I can't let her wash clothes or load the dishwasher because she's broken both appliances at different times and my (already crazy busy) dad had to fix them, so I won't let her touch them. But I just walked in the door (I get out of school at noon) and she was laid on the couch watching TV. I was a bit confused but found out she had to get a cavity filled this morning. Yes I'm sympathetic and I know it's kind of self-centered of me to be more upset that she's here during the only time of day when no one is in the house and that's when I do T25. But I know for a fact her mom is off work today and idk I just feel like it's not good parenting that she picked her up from the dentist knowing her mouth was numb and she was hurting and she just dumped her here for me to take care of... My parents work a lot and Im the oldest of 4 so I've been independent a long time and idk how to handle someone who isn't. (Neither do they, lol) At least this has taught me that I never want to have a roommate as long as I live [emoji28]

ETA also reading about the plane crash in Germany after complaining about something as trivial as this makes me feel very ashamed.
Maybe she can do the dishes the old fashion way like wash them by hand in the sink lol.

Eta: funny story we never had a dishwasher growing up. I asked my mom why once. Her response was I do I have 3-you and your sisters lol
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I'm going to Austin for a college visit and was wondering if anyone has any good restaurant recommendations? I'll be there for 2.5 days!
Cp is very sad about Zayn leaving - then again she is 14 1/2 and as she put it on the way to practice with her eyes tearing "I feel like I've watched them grow up". She has tickets to their show in August and she said that basically the audience is singing all of Zayn's solo parts - and then teared up again.

@Eyes On The Prize we are still mourning MCR in my house. My youngest who is now 11 was very very sad and actually asked why they weren't doing "one more tour for their fans" before breaking up. He at least saw them once, but of course it was the only show in existence they did not play The Black Parade which was his favorite because they were opening for Blink and it was supposed to pour later that night (which it did) and the venue was outside. He did amuse everyone around him by singing Mama at the top of his lungs (I think it was back in 2011 so he was 7). My oldest was lucky to be at what essentially became their last show when they replaced Blink at Bamboozle in Asbury Park when Travis Barker had to have his tonsils out. Had we known, I would have gone as well and brought non-cp :(.
Cp is very sad about Zayn leaving - then again she is 14 1/2 and as she put it on the way to practice with her eyes tearing "I feel like I've watched them grow up". She has tickets to their show in August and she said that basically the audience is singing all of Zayn's solo parts - and then teared up again.

@Eyes On The Prize we are still mourning MCR in my house. My youngest who is now 11 was very very sad and actually asked why they weren't doing "one more tour for their fans" before breaking up. He at least saw them once, but of course it was the only show in existence they did not play The Black Parade which was his favorite because they were opening for Blink and it was supposed to pour later that night (which it did) and the venue was outside. He did amuse everyone around him by singing Mama at the top of his lungs (I think it was back in 2011 so he was 7). My oldest was lucky to be at what essentially became their last show when they replaced Blink at Bamboozle in Asbury Park when Travis Barker had to have his tonsils out. Had we known, I would have gone as well and brought non-cp :(.

They came to Syracuse twice. The first time they pulled out because it was a couple of days after they filmed "Famous Last Words" and their drummer got a staph infection. The second time they actually played. And both those times my parents wouldn't take me... And both were The Black Parade. In college I think they played close-ish a couple of times but I didn't want to spend the little money I had.

I wish they did a farewell tour. I would've sacrificed my first born in a heartbeat for a ticket. They ended it so weirdly. My lesson learned was go to a concert when you love a band a lot even if it's inconvenient. Too bad I haven't loved a band that much since lol. Either Gerard Way or Frank Iero, I think, has a concert coming to Boston, maybe I'll go. Even if I can't get into their new stuff, maybe it will fill the void in my heart :p Hey, maybe they'll do a reunion tour but that is WISHFUL thinking.

I bet your kids are still happy they got to see them. I think you were the one who said you made a Killjoy costume for your son for Halloween one year? Fun Ghoul, maybe? I love love love that!
I'm going to Austin for a college visit and was wondering if anyone has any good restaurant recommendations? I'll be there for 2.5 days!
There are too many to count! It's really hard to go wrong there with food. So many wonderful food trucks such as Hey! You gonna eat or what? La Barbeque, Gourdough's, East Side King, etc.
For a quick bite, I really like Torchy's Tacos (its a chain now), as their queso is amazing along with their tacos! I have a friend that swears by Trudy's (mexican food) also. Tacodeli is another famous Austin taco staple as well. Amy's Ice cream can be good on a hot texas day. Hopdoddy is also a crowd favorite for burgers. If you have time to camp out, Franklin BBQ is supposed to be the best BBQ in the state. There's about a million more places with fresh, local, authentic cuisine around the city......Austin is foodie heaven.

Are you going to check out UT or St. Edwards?
One Direction is going in Two Directions #badumTISS #I'llbehereallweek

@BuegeSmalls this is like 20 pages back but To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite book of all time and coincidentally I'm reading it right now.

You sorority people are weird. Obsessively crafty and weird.

I applied to be a cat foster today! The woman is calling me back on Friday to talk more about my potential foster fur baby. I'm so nervous and so excited!

Also- all of you need to quit your bellyaching about drink/movie prices. Again: NYC. There's a reason trashy college bars like Continental ($10/10 shots) exist.
One Direction is going in Two Directions #badumTISS #I'llbehereallweek

@BuegeSmalls this is like 20 pages back but To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite book of all time and coincidentally I'm reading it right now.

You sorority people are weird. Obsessively crafty and weird.

I applied to be a cat foster today! The woman is calling me back on Friday to talk more about my potential foster fur baby. I'm so nervous and so excited!

Also- all of you need to quit your bellyaching about drink/movie prices. Again: NYC. There's a reason trashy college bars like Continental ($10/10 shots) exist.
Fun fact: My dog's name is Atticus Finch (which if anyone follows me on social media then you already know this b/c I'm obessed with him). I've actually only read the book once, in high school when it was the book we were reading. I really want to read it again though.
so this is really random, but i was watching an old 2010 video of SE winning worlds, and noticed the announcer guy saying how the top three teams would have to compete later that night for tv production, which im guessing is espn. i honestly never knew that this entire time, did they always use to do it that way or was it just that one year back then.
They came to Syracuse twice. The first time they pulled out because it was a couple of days after they filmed "Famous Last Words" and their drummer got a staph infection. The second time they actually played. And both those times my parents wouldn't take me... And both were The Black Parade. In college I think they played close-ish a couple of times but I didn't want to spend the little money I had.

I wish they did a farewell tour. I would've sacrificed my first born in a heartbeat for a ticket. They ended it so weirdly. My lesson learned was go to a concert when you love a band a lot even if it's inconvenient. Too bad I haven't loved a band that much since lol. Either Gerard Way or Frank Iero, I think, has a concert coming to Boston, maybe I'll go. Even if I can't get into their new stuff, maybe it will fill the void in my heart :p Hey, maybe they'll do a reunion tour but that is WISHFUL thinking.

I bet your kids are still happy they got to see them. I think you were the one who said you made a Killjoy costume for your son for Halloween one year? Fun Ghoul, maybe? I love love love that!
Ha ha that was me - Kobra Kid :)
It's really true, you should always go when you can because you never know if you'll get that chance again.
There are too many to count! It's really hard to go wrong there with food. So many wonderful food trucks such as Hey! You gonna eat or what? La Barbeque, Gourdough's, East Side King, etc.
For a quick bite, I really like Torchy's Tacos (its a chain now), as their queso is amazing along with their tacos! I have a friend that swears by Trudy's (mexican food) also. Tacodeli is another famous Austin taco staple as well. Amy's Ice cream can be good on a hot texas day. Hopdoddy is also a crowd favorite for burgers. If you have time to camp out, Franklin BBQ is supposed to be the best BBQ in the state. There's about a million more places with fresh, local, authentic cuisine around the city......Austin is foodie heaven.

Are you going to check out UT or St. Edwards?

Wow, thanks for all the options. This makes me sooo excited. I love good food + might just be moving there for college! I'm going to check out UT. There're also cheer tryouts that weekend, which I'm attending! Hook 'em!
Also- all of you need to quit your bellyaching about drink/movie prices. Again: NYC. There's a reason trashy college bars like Continental ($10/10 shots) exist.

Well, since I was the one complaining about movie prices...I think they're pretty close in Chicago and NYC. Not quite as high, but it's still about $15-16 to see a movie here. So I'm going to continue bellyaching. :eek:

Drinks - I agree. I cannot imagine finding a drink for less than $10 here, unless I made it myself, at home.

ETA - good luck with your fur baby! (and lmao at sorority people. Agreed!)
Quick rant: So my 15 year old cousin stays in our guest room often because she doesn't really like her house right now (there's an unplanned newborn there and her parents have never really had a lot of time for their kids), which I don't mind... When she's not taking my clothes, or talking endlessly while I'm watching my two TV shows at their weekly times, to fix them, so I won't let her touch them. But I just walked in the door (I get out of school at noon) and she was laid on the couch watching TV. I was a bit confused but found out she had to get a cavity filled this morning. Yes I'm sympathetic and I know it's kind of self-centered of me to be more upset that she's here during the only time of day when no one is in the house and that's when I do T25. But I know for a fact her mom is off work today and idk I just feel like it's not good parenting that she picked her up from the dentist knowing her mouth was numb and she was hurting and she just dumped her here for me to take care of... My parents work a lot and Im the oldest of 4 so I've been independent a long time and idk how to handle someone who isn't. (Neither do they, lol) At least this has taught me that I never want to have a roommate as long as I live [emoji28]

ETA also reading about the plane crash in Germany after complaining about something as trivial as this makes me feel very ashamed.

I'm stuck on the not going to school after getting a cavity filled

I've gone to school-work-cheered at a game And so forth after getting a filling.

Is this Not normal?

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I don't know much....or anything about One Direction the group. I've heard a few songs. I couldn't point any of them out in a line up....maybe the Harry one

But anyway I googled Zayn and he's the cute one. The cutest by far. In fact I think I told my 9 yr old niece that once now that I think about it...and she told me I was too old for him and I told her to get out of my house.

Anyway. It's always sad when the cute one breaks free and leaves the rest

Do they all sing? I'd think they all did since they were solo acts on xFaxtor. Or is one the Beyoncé and the rest are just the Michelle's-Kelly's-Farrah's-LaTavia's-LeToya's of the group?

Was Zayn the Beyoncé or the Posh spice of the group (she just stood around and looked pretty )

I'm trying to figure out the magnitude of this loss.
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