OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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but media portrays it as if thats what its funding, the abortion side. if the abortions are funded by donations then great, but then why do SO MANY people lie about how and what is funding planned parenthood.

Federal money is NOT used to fund abortions. They are funded by the patients themselves (in my area it's about a $400 procedure) and donor money.

The problem is that many people have no freaking clue what they're talking about and just spout out information as if they do. That gets shared enough and wah-lah, now everyone things their taxpayer money is funding abortions.
Actually it's not. One of the cleaning officials said on the news today that the clean up was pretty good and that they could tell that there was a considerable effort to use the trash. If I can find it I can post, it was tweeted by a local news source this morning, I just can't remember who. Here's another statement about it though.

NPS: Cleanup ‘going well’ after inauguration, Women’s March | WTOP
That's one perspective. there are many others that say its huge mess.
After watching the Beaches remake I want to watch the original. It's more up to date or modern for those youngsters. It just had me thinking of every scene and comparing. It's not bad just not the original.
IDK why they felt the need to do a remake, the original was lovely.

But at least it wasn't as bad as the Drumline Sequel. LOL. I feel like biopics, remakes and sequels have been the thing for the past couple of years, especially on Lifetime. They're even going to be doing a series about New Edition. I heard their rendition of 'Candy Girl' in the promo and didn't like it. I know Ralph's voice was high but it was never THAT high, LOL.
That's one perspective. there are many others that say its huge mess.

I'm literally in DC.....I was at the march. And I get the real DC news everyday. Like they said..DC hosts major events like Independence Day and other national events every year so they know how to conduct a clean up.

Eta: TBH there wasn't even that much trash on the ground that day. I saw trash concentrated near the overflowed trash cans.
Alternative facts.

You made me spit out my Pepsi.

I also read yesterday that people were asked to leave behind signs for the historical aspect. They planned on collecting them because of the historical significance. I don't remember who was in charge of that though.
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but media portrays it as if thats what its funding, the abortion side. if the abortions are funded by donations then great, but then why do SO MANY people lie about how and what is funding planned parenthood.

I donate to PP every paycheck and I've never stepped foot inside one in my life. The justification is that if government funds are used for non-abortion services, then the donations from people like me can fund abortion services. While government funds don't directly pay for abortions, they do so indirectly by allowing donations to go elsewhere. I think most (or at least a lot) of conservatives know that federal funds don't go towards the abortions, but it still goes to support an organization that performs them.
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I'm definitely not saying "de fund PP". I'm all about women's healthcare and I'm very much pro choice.

But what I am saying is that I'm getting the impression that a lot of the next four years will have people with a "put my life vest on first and then help others"

I think that unfortunately for some traditional liberals when it comes to social issues we're going to have to learn to look out for self first and then come back for others.

So while I support PP I've never been a beneficiary of it and more than likely never will. If it is defunded tomorrow I won't feel the burn. I've always had health insurance, in fact I've always had two types of Health care, with the exception of one year of my life (the year before grad school ) and then President Obama made it so that I could go back on my parents. I've never had to log onto the ACA marketplace and I've been able to insure myself since I was 25.

Don't get me wrong I want it for other women, and I see the need but I'm not going to take to the streets with a sign about it. The same way a lot of people aren't going to go out and say BLM or stand up for LGBTQ issues even if they support them

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Maybe we'll see that, but I think that that's a fast path to losing more voters.

If I took that approach, I'd vote Republican. I don't think there's anything from the last 8 years that republicans could revert that would affect me. Planned Parenthood defunding - never been there in my life. Repealing gay marriage - doesn't affect me and I live in MA which has had gay marriage for 12 years. ACA - no copays for my annual physical and birth control is cool I guess, but I have an FSA from which I can pay for those things and I get my insurance through work, not an exchange. Plus MA is the home of the original ObamaCare - RomneyCare. I'm pretty sure I don't actually make less than my male peers - I know I make more than my husband and we work in the same industry. Obviously BLM doesn't impact me directly either.

At least if I voted Republican, my taxes would be less. But I don't vote the way I do for me, and I know many women who marched this weekend who feel the same way. I didn't march this weekend, or any weekend, but I like to think that a big staple of liberalism is standing up for others, so I really hope that that isn't what the next 4 years will be. If that's what it becomes it will be a party made up of only minorities.
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If the National Park Service (who is in charge of the clean up) says it's going well, I'm curious as to who is claiming it's not. I'm probably going to trust the ones actually doing the cleaning.
Point is there shouldn't be this kind of clean up needed. People should be responsible enough not to throw their protest sign on the ground when they are finished with it. The streets were papered with them. It shouldn't have happened. Also, people tend to trust the narrative they agree with. Even the pictures I have seen from supportive of the march show signs just throw in the gutter for someone else to clean up. That wasn't the intent of the photos but they are there, and in large numbers. That shouldn't happen. If you brought it, take it with you.
i would say a lot of sides lie about what the funding goes to, it could be anyone from media/politicians/republicans/christians/certain organized groups, etc, etc.
has planned parenthood been the most honest organization, no. But lets be real here, neither have any of the groups fighting them have been either.
This I agree with. Something like planned parenthood NEEDS to exist, I just don't think they are doing the best job at it. I think that there is corruption and waste in the organization that needs to be weeded out.
Point is there shouldn't be this kind of clean up needed. People should be responsible enough not to throw their protest sign on the ground when they are finished with it. The streets were papered with them. It shouldn't have happened. Also, people tend to trust the narrative they agree with. Even the pictures I have seen from supportive of the march show signs just throw in the gutter for someone else to clean up. That wasn't the intent of the photos but they are there, and in large numbers. That shouldn't happen. If you brought it, take it with you.

BREAKING NEWS: Large crowds have more trash than trash barrels can handle!
BREAKING NEWS: Large crowds have more trash than trash barrels can handle!
So take your protest sign home rather than throwing it in the street for others to clean up. Its basic social responsibility. And for the record, if a trash can is full, that doesn't mean you throw your trash in the street. I have seen less of a mess after a Mardi Gras parade. You brought it there, take it with you when you leave. But that isn't the mentality, the mentality is "we are mad right now, we will stick it to the new administration and let them deal with it" but it isn't Trump cleaning it up, its the people you are supposedly marching for. I agree with some of what this march was about, but I don't agree with the cavalier way they just dumped trash for the "little people" to deal with.
So take your protest sign home rather than throwing it in the street for others to clean up. Its basic social responsibility. And for the record, if a trash can is full, that doesn't mean you throw your trash in the street. I have seen less of a mess after a Mardi Gras parade. You brought it there, take it with you when you leave. But that isn't the mentality, the mentality is "we are mad right now, we will stick it to the new administration and let them deal with it" but it isn't Trump cleaning it up, its the people you are supposedly marching for. I agree with some of what this march was about, but I don't agree with the cavalier way they just dumped trash for the "little people" to deal with.

FWIW, I don't disagree with you, they should have taken their trash with them. Focusing on the trash is just such a lame attempt to discredit the whole thing. As if their arguments are now null and void because they left a bunch of trash behind even though the NPS has already said the cleanup hasn't been that bad, that trash was left in neat piles by trash barrels and they're pretty used to it. That's what permits are for. NPS: Cleanup ‘going well’ after inauguration, Women’s March | WTOP

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