All-Star New Rules Reflection-james Speed

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Only bc you were the original poster nothing more.

Oh gotcha...Well if I were in charge of the USASF I would not have dealt with the rule changes in the same method but I do understand that is the Board's right to do so. Just wouldn't have been my approach. I also don't agree with all the rule changes but I understand that you can't make everyone happy including me. I am however optimistic by nature. I'm the Cup half full coach and owner. I'm thankful for the compromise and I agree with what James Speed said...
Oh gotcha...Well if I were in charge of the USASF I would not have dealt with the rule changes in the same method but I do understand that is the Board's right to do so. Just wouldn't have been my approach. I also don't agree with all the rule changes but I understand that you can't make everyone happy including me. I am however optimistic by nature. I'm the Cup half full coach and owner. I'm thankful for the compromise and I agree with what James Speed said...
I'm a cup is half-full kinda person myself, but I don't just believe the cup's half full of sparkles because somebody else says so. Maybe I'm a skeptical NYer..
I'm a cup is half-full kinda person myself, but I don't just believe the cup's half full of sparkles because somebody else says so. Maybe I'm a skeptical NYer..

LOL I'm not a half-full kinda person because someone else says so either. Not sure if you were implying that or not. As of now the USASF is the Governing body of our sport. I've seen alot of great things accomplished because of the USASF. I'm not ready to throw all of that away because of the rule changes or the process. I form my own opinions and I am optimistic because that's who I am, not because of what someone else says. I posted what James Speed said because he is an absolute ICON in this sport. That man is one of the most knowledgeable and wise men in this sport. He eloquently delivered what I could never put into words.
I for one have the highest respect for James Speed and always will whether I agree or disagree with him. I also was coaching college during the "Crash of '05" and felt it was the end of the World, it wasn't, however routines are no where near the same and injuries haven't changed in 6 years (from the people I have spoken with that were involved before and after including coaches, trainers, event staff and even an Insurance person, no I don't have proof, but hey, who needs proof, I'll just say that its a "general census" lol) I was the tumbling coach for HPU and we won years before and they are still going strong today. Regardless of the rules, the ones put into place in College, were discussed the YEAR before at coaches meetings and discussed on MANY occasions. My main issue is the process, if you show me where injuries are running rampid bc of standing doubles, I'll support removing them. If you show me that a full punch double is chasing people AWAY from cheerleading, I'll support it. But still nothing. These were mentioned at the meeting in Doral LAST summer and they were shot DOWN! I was there, in the meeting and discussed the pro's and con's of each skill. The "general census" was removing these skills was NOT a good idea. However, the (IMO) top elite coaches in the industry, meeting, discussing and deciding this was NOT a good idea was NOT respected and this decision is now supported bc "hey it's better than what they said last week". Garbage, it's the PROCESS RockstarCheer not the skills. I know you run a solid program, and I am part of a solid program as well. Again, my issue is NOT the skills (I disagree with removing them but that's the least of the problems) I 100% disagree with the "process". I also want to know what "Under review for 2013-2014 means", does this mean that slowly but surely the skills that were originally released will disappear just over time? What is the "review process"? Seriously, I want to know bc if there is ANYTHING that can be done to "save" a skill, then the responsibility lies on the coaches, but DANGIT if the coaches DO THEIR jobs and educate their staff and spread the word and the work is done, then the skill/skills should stay. If whatever they are looking at gets worse, then you know what, responsibility lies in the hands of the coaches/gym owners. But as it stood before and as it stands now, no one knows. That is my problem.

What a wonderful post. I can't see how anyone could disagree with this, but alas they do. And that is why I am considering not renewing my USASF membership. I am now looking at alternate organizations to continue to educate myself. This "process" is just wrong. On so many levels. Real safety concerns mixed in with personal goals is not a good response for me.
It is sort of sad to think that not being able to do a standing double, one to double, or double double makes people not want to cheer. Is that really what the sport as a whole is about?
I will be honest in saying that when the first set of rules came out I was upset. Not so much at the rules that were passed (I slowly got over it) but more so the way that it was done. Now with the new proposals out it seems that they did what James said, they compromised with what people were complaining about and tried to make people happy while still doing what they orignally aimed at doing. Sure I wish that I could see double doubles next year from people like Whitney or Cameron, but if I can see a whip double whip double I will be just as happy.
If as an athlete the thought of not being able to throw those passes make you not want to cheer anymore I question why you were cheering in the first place. Don't get me wrong I understand being upset about it 100%, but does it really make you question why you are an allstar cheerleader?
I question their ability to actually govern this sport, as I have lost all respect for them. I believe the people who did go about this in a sneaky way have an agenda. If it was really that big of a deal/safety issue, don't you think they would have provided at least the USASF members or coaches with their proof? You can't just come out and say, "I think these are more dangerous" w/o some sort of evidence. Also, there are a few people on the BOD who were a part of this and allow their athletes to currently throw those skills. Isn't the best way to lead by example? You can't say, "you're not allowed to do drugs bc they're bad for you", but proceed to use them at the same time. It's hypocritical at the very least and causes me to seriously question their sincerity (on top of everything else and the way it's transpired). Next it will be imposed regulations on stunting w/o merit (evidence)...and so on and so on.
I also bet the parents who have athletes who play NCAA sports don't get to vote when they change rules or policies either. I don't get to vote with the supreme court when they decide on a case or with the house/senate when a bill enters their chambers even though I am a registered voter.

True, however WE the citizens of this country DO get to vote those elected officials into at least we do have a say so regarding that aspect of the political process.
I don't like the process one bit. I still have no respect for the USASF and how this has been handled. There are far greater issues to be addressed. Removing skills does not make this a safer sport. There will still be kids throwing skills they are not ready to do. And there will still be those other issues that they continue to ignore and bury their heads in the sand about.

I can tell you one quick fix to get a wee bit more respect for the sport. Have announcers/broadcasters at televised competitions who actually know what they are talking about. Jim Chadwick is the worst!

I know there are bigger fish to fry but it is so irritating to watch these broadcasters who clearly do not know what the hell they are talking about.
The fact of the matter is that cheerleading can be a dangerous sport every aspect. Repetitive jumps over years and years take their toll on knees and ankles, basing takes it toll on wear and tear of the shoulders, flying in any stunt is potentially dangerous (probably more so than any other aspect regarding the serious issues like paralysis and possible death), getting your teeth knocked out basing a stunt, a broken extremity from basing, overstretching to become super flexible for flying positions, etc...the list could go on, but I think I've made my point. Of course there should be some decent guidelines for safety, but safety in this sport will never be a guarantee, matter how much you attempt to limit things...unless we're reduced to cartwheels, teddy bears, and thigh stands :confused:
I have been looking for my ballot all day!!! maybe I did but I left a "chad" hanging:eek: Shoot I just dated myself!! I hate it when I do that:mad: will be fine....just leave the “chads” home when you head to Florida...:) And yes..I joined you in the “yes Im old enough to remember that” dept....see ya soon and good luck in Fl!!!
True, however WE the citizens of this country DO get to vote those elected officials into at least we do have a say so regarding that aspect of the political process.

But you do not get to elect supreme court judges into their office and they get to decide what is constitutional or not.
I do agree with your point though that those who hold seats on the USASF need to be voted on by members that way if they are not doing their job they can be removed from their seat and replaced.

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