All-Star Nike Pros

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i found a pair at marshalls the other day for $7.99

also, sign up for sports authority emails! at least once a month i get an email for 20% off one nike item or something along those lines, and they usually have them on sale.
About a month ago my mom found some on sale at Sports Authority for around $21. I later looked on the site and found they have GREAT sale prices online! They had red ones for like 7.99 at one point. Too bad they didn't have my size!
I've also been stalking the Nike outlets wherever I go, and I'm not that impressed. It's supposed to be an outlet-cheaper prices! Not the case. I did get one pair from the one in Myrtle Beach, but they were still $25.
Also check lady foot locker from time to time.. I remember there was an online special that they had nike pros 2 for $25
I don't know if y'all have a hibbets but thats where i usually get all my nike things.
i can fit into kids sizes, and usually its 30% off all nike products even if they're on sale. i got a pair for 6$ one time and the last pair i got was 9.
I love them but they are not a good choice to run in:mad: which is why I brought them
If anyone would buy me one and send it to me. You would be my life hero. They don't sell them here. :(
I'll pay you ofcourse.
I've also been stalking the Nike outlets wherever I go, and I'm not that impressed. It's supposed to be an outlet-cheaper prices! Not the case.
Yes, I'm assuming they will be cheaper at the Outlet, that's what outlet stores are:)

Its actually not a fact, nor a guarantee that an outlet store is any cheaper than regular merchandise. Its actually more of a trap nowadays because consumers think they're getting a bargain, unfortunately.

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