When I left my old gym for time off, they were very nice. Most of them were. I'd go to comps to support my friend who left the team for a gym that most athletes go to if they don't go to another big name. My old coach was upset that I wasnt competing and happy for my friend. And others assumed I switched and act as though I was stranger. Someone who coached me for 5+ years. The owner told me I was always welcomed there. I wasn't the first girl to leave, and my gym accepted that it didn't offer what other programs did, and when one of our girls left to go to the big name, they were happy that they weren't being held down.
My point is, little gym should have some pride when the only level 5 athlete is making these Worlds team. It's your talent and maybe it will make younger girls want they same and you can build a level 5. And be nice, sometimes on rude comment about a child can change views. Gym changing isn't always about wanting to wear a known name, but atmosphere,opportunities, convience ect.