I know that's what sharks is doing. Their Indy/duo/stunts groups are competing at the Red Carpet competition in May. That's what I was saying earlier in the thread. Stupid to give out money when teams have already bought plane tickets, the tickets for Disney and hotel, practice wear, etc etc lol. The only thing I can see it going towards is athletes getting some back or what makes more sense the team keeping it for next years worlds. I totally agree should be in January or February. February makes more sense since most teams have bids by then and if you don't have a bid by then I'm guessing you can't be eligible but what can ya do. The Montreal kicks competition which is in 2 weeks is a bid event also is it not? And it's a 2 day competition when it was only a 1 day comp before. Hopefully those athletes have saved up for worlds to be able to drop the $ that week to book flights, tickets, etc seeing as worlds is pretty freaking close.