All-Star Omg Have You Heard Trinity Dolce & Gabana Music ??

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New post from the facebook page... sigh... they may have taken the plane comment seriously... or so i'm assuming...

Trinity Athletics - Cheer, Tumble, Dance
Do you love our bus? We do - its part of being fabulous at Trinity. Want to keep up with "COCO" the amazing tour bus? Follow her on Twitter @TheTrinityBus and see what she has to say.

(Look for her friend, "Donatella" to make an appearance soon - but ssshhhh..... thats a secret!) ;)

A Twitter for a bus? Who has time for 'dat??? :rolleyes:
Really? I feel like they've been taking it for months with barely a public word.. And this is the first we've heard from them in some time. IMO, they've certainly been "taking it."

Personal twitters have been enlightening.
Really? I feel like they've been taking it for months with barely a public word.. And this is the first we've heard from them in some time. IMO, they've certainly been "taking it."
Then I assume you are not following the right people on twitter or their facebook, because they've been anything but quiet.
I'm not trying to get ugly (I SWEAR) but I have some honest, legit questions since you are the first person from Trinity to come on here and defend your program.

Second, these kids were plucked from the ghetto and have hard lives... How does a level 5 athlete emerge from the ghetto? I am assuming if they have a really hard life they are struggling and cannot afford tumbling classes and proper training. Level 5 doesn't just happen (trust me, the kids I coach and I wish it did). These kids are talented, and not just backyard tumbling talented. I see years of training talented. Where did all these kids come from? GA? Other gyms? High schools?

Tamara I agree with your post. I just want to comment on this part of the of your post to give background. Trust me it happens. I am a coach that came out of the ghettos of Jersey City, NJ and Plainfield, NJ to coach National Level gymnasts. I tumbled in community centers on wrestling mats, on mattresses, on grass, concrete, wherever I could. By the time my mother finally let me take real lessons at a real gymnastic center I could already tumble layouts, arabians and fulls. This was at age 13.

When I left home at 15 and moved to Virginia I had a coach at the YMCA that would take me home after I walked down there to tumble. I never paid a dime because I did not have it. He allowed me to work around the gym in exchange for tuition. I still stayed in the ghetto. When I went to college in Miami, I was offered a job by a coach that I had asked to let me come in and tumble. I still had no money. He gave me a job. Little did I know that coach was the same coach who coached Ron Gallimore and Kurt Thomas. Bottom line for me, being involved in gymnastics due to the kindness of these coaches allowed me to get out and stay out of the ghetto.

Since being in this sport I have seen it at every stop I have coached at, we have had athletes from the ghetto who became a part of the program. In some cases they are heavily sought after and recruited because they have a different "no fear" mindset than your typical cheerleader. You have to in order to tumble crazy stuff on concrete. :D Usually they will have the Level 4/5 tumbling (or get it insanely quick), but they just need to learn the stunting. Free travel, free uniforms, free hotel rooms, in some cases free food - why not cheer? Often that is more than what they get at home. Some gyms will even provide housing and transportation to them to allow them to cheer when they live too far from the gym, or have no dependable ride.

I have a coach right now who is passionate about going into the inner city and getting kids into the gym to tumble. Why? Because like me he came from there and he knows what it did for him. He knew gyms were trying to just use him because he could tumble, but he flipped the script so to speak and used them to get what he needed to escape that life in the ghetto. Through cheer it gave him the opportunity to see a great part of this world, interact with cultures he probably never would of, provide for his family, and learn to teach athletes to follow their dreams.

I guess in short we emerge from the ghetto because we dare to be different, not let our environment dictate what we will be and someone sees some value in us - whether it is exploitative or not, and we take steps together.

Sorry so long.
I'm not trying to get ugly (I SWEAR) but I have some honest, legit questions since you are the first person from Trinity to come on here and defend your program.
First, you say you haven't been paid yet. Were you promised a clothing line and profits from other products you would be a part of? I thought I remembered that being one of the big things they were offering as a selling point.

Second, these kids were plucked from the ghetto and have hard lives... How does a level 5 athlete emerge from the ghetto? I am assuming if they have a really hard life they are struggling and cannot afford tumbling classes and proper training. Level 5 doesn't just happen (trust me, the kids I coach and I wish it did). These kids are talented, and not just backyard tumbling talented. I see years of training talented. Where did all these kids come from? GA? Other gyms? High schools?

This is how I feel. You say trinity is offering you a chance to start your life, but you're getting the same deal as at GA. What does that mean? You're getting something else out of it and it sounds monetary

I think it's the whole "it started out as more than cheerleading" that bothers me. How is trinity any different than any other gym? What exactly is there about it that's more than it other than a wealthy owner who is helping to bankroll the tuition of a large number of athletes. And again, who, exactly is coming out of the ghetto in all of this? Trinity isn't some big brothers, big sisters program.
Edited for space:
Thank you for basically posting what I was about to after I read the whole thread first.

I do feel bad for the kids, to an extent. I think I posted in one of the threads that it's them who pay for their social media campaign. Last year I was a fan of Trinity-first year gym, beautiful unis and training facility, lots of potential. This whole fiasco from top to bottom has soured me to what was a promising enterprise. However, they had the 'pre-first comp escape ticket' excuse for MONTHS, and nobody took it. You see the drama and you stay to play? Now you've gotta clean up the mess..harsh reality of life.
This is how I feel. You say trinity is offering you a chance to start your life, but you're getting the same deal as at GA. What does that mean? You're getting something else out of it and it sounds monetary

I think it's the whole "it started out as more than cheerleading" that bothers me. How is trinity any different than any other gym? What exactly is there about it that's more than it other than a wealthy owner who is helping to bankroll the tuition of a large number of athletes. And again, who, exactly is coming out of the ghetto in all of this? Trinity isn't some big brothers, big sisters program.
I also wanted to add to your post that Trinity is in Johns Creek Ga. One of the weathiest communities in north georgia.
how about we hear some reasoning from the mouth of a Trinity cheerleader..

I left Georgia, along with a few other athletes at Trinity, because of the lack of respect Jamie Parrish has for ANYONE who isnt right in his eyes.. has he provided a great cheerleading expirience for me over the past few years? yes. But when an old coach (Gianni DeNegri) provides an oppurtunity to help me get my life started in return for being on his team, and I get harassed and torn apart by Jamie just because I went to see Gianni, it really shows that someone whos always told me they love me like a child, really only cares about himself and how he is viewed by others.

Lets clarify some things for everyone:

1) I have not been paid a dime since I stepped foot into Trinity Athletics, nor has any other athlete on the team
(I am on scholarship because of the skills I provide, and because of lack of money, therefor I do not pay tuition.. same deal I had at GA)

2) If by our "behavior" and "lack of class" you mean us congratulating every team that placed ahead of us this weekend, than Im sorry you feel this way. How many conversations have you had with a Trinity cheerleader? ....... chirp

3) Our music has got to be the most sarcastic thing I have heard in our life.. if anyone believes that someone would actually put "finest team money can buy" in their music and it be serious, chill out. Because of all the rumors of money and jetskis and houses that have been growing since the start (many created by JP, on news reports and such), its only necessary to give the bullies nothing else to talk about when our music agrees with them. (PS, the Jamie Parrish voiceover mix was not heard by us until Jamie Parrish released it..... funny huh?)

4) if ANYONE wants to attack Corinth Davenport and her husband for reaching out into the lives of less fortunate kids and providing them with a safe place to escape their home lives in their less-than-safe neighborhoods, take a step back and think about the last time you've made an impact on someones life, because you might be over due.

This whole thing started as a way to make a HUGE impact on the lives of our athletes. It started as something far more important than cheerleading; in fact it continues to portray its benefits beyond cheerleading. These kids are beginning to see that there is life outside of, for some of them, the ghetto. It just happens to be that this life outside, is on Trinity D&G.

But everything is here nor there. Rumors will be spread with no solid evidence to stand behind them, and that is just the cheerleading world for ya. And for the people who believe them, once again, Im sorry you feel that way.

oh one more thing.... that day one performance was our 3rd time going full-out, due to injury after injury after injury on our team.... so please reconsider your opinion of it.


Thank you for coming on here with the understanding that many people are going to have questions for you. I have many but I am only going to ask one that you brought up yourself. Above you state that you did not hear the JP voice over until he released it. So prior to hearing it what music where you practicing with or did you guys decided to use the mix that 'he released' after you heard it. If so, where is your original mix and who mixed it?
Thank you for coming on here with the understanding that many people are going to have questions for you. I have many but I am only going to ask one that you brought up yourself. Above you state that you did not hear the JP voice over until he released it. So prior to hearing it what music where you practicing with or did you guys decided to use the mix that 'he released' after you heard it. If so, where is your original mix and who mixed it?

I sooooooo need a popcorn emoji right now

Not sure on the mixes etc but the mix used at Jamfest wasn't with JP's voice and ends the vo with "sound familiar" - one of the videos posted actually edited the sound and added the other edit - I asked about it at some point - not sure which thread but Asian tumble 10 cleared that part up for me so I figured I'd share
This is how I feel. You say trinity is offering you a chance to start your life, but you're getting the same deal as at GA. What does that mean? You're getting something else out of it and it sounds monetary

I think it's the whole "it started out as more than cheerleading" that bothers me. How is trinity any different than any other gym? What exactly is there about it that's more than it other than a wealthy owner who is helping to bankroll the tuition of a large number of athletes. And again, who, exactly is coming out of the ghetto in all of this? Trinity isn't some big brothers, big sisters program.

This ain't charity cheerleading!

One of my all time favorite things to tell people. Sorry bout it.