All-Star Only Seniors Can Expose Midriff???

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it does start in 2015-2016 and personally i agree with it some of the tinys and minis wearing the same half tops as the older girls is becoming slightly inappropriate... i believe its Fierce? the black and pink i LOVE their uniforms! but when i see those small tops and even smaller shorts on a mini aged kid it makes me feel like i need to shield my eyes...not only that but i feel bad for the heavier set people that may not be comfortable wearing a half top uni that need to wear them because it is the "it thing" to have crop top uniforms right now
No one bite my head off... but I honestly think it might be a step in the right direction. I agree, there are many problems with it, starting with how it is not enforceable. However I definitely believe that some gyms need regulating. I disagree with you, cheeromgbre , I think we as a whole need regulating if we want to be taken seriously. I am also one that is for a standardized uniform style though, to eliminate random things like cutouts and uniform "malfunctions". Anyways, sorry for the ramble, but some uniforms are sleazy, for lack of a better word. And when we have tiny and mini athletes walking around a competition in what looks like bikinis... we will never be taken seriously.
If not getting to expose your stomach is THAT big of a deal, maybe you should give bikini modeling a shot....

You can make all the excuses you want about it being more "comfortable" or "easier to maneuver" in crop tops, but as far as I know, cheer and SOME concentrations of dance are the only sports that can't manage to be clothed while participating in their respective competitions.

I think crop tops are as cute as the next person, but I honestly like this rule and think it moves us toward legitimacy.
You are right. I just read the letter. It also stated that starting next year, if you do not have a full length top and are not a senior, you must wear a tshirt or something over your top unless you are heading to warm ups with a group, in warm ups or on stage. They are finaling getting serious about this! I'm glad!
and it doesn't even say if you're not a senior, it applies to everyone! agh, so rediculous.
I must be the minority but I'd rather see the little girls show their tummies than the senior girls who are fully developed and barely fitting in their tops and hanging out of the bottoms! Our gym has had some tops and bottoms that I thought were close to being too short. ( barley cupping around the bottoms) Usually its been the uniform manufacturer making them all wrong and by the time they were able to fix them, the season was basically over for us!!! I did personally think that one of the gyms in the Miami area had a uniform that was dangerously getting close to looking like an adult entertainer outfit but I don't live in Miami or Rio were people wearing thongs are more the norm or something that much of the population could even pull off. So maybe if I did live there, then I might be more conditioned to accept that on my cp. Not judging, but just look at it as to what I would be uncomfortable with if I needed to run into a business on the way home from a competition.... Would I be embarrassed to bring her in without having her put something on over what she was in. Would I feel the need to explain it when showing our friends that have never seen or heard of this type of cheerleading. When my cp was a mini showing her belly, I never was uncomfortable but as she has gotten older I worry I won't always feel the same comfort level for her in her senior uniform.

Reallycoolcheermommy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"So a 10 yr old on senior can wear a crop but a 14yr old on jr can't? Wow that rule really made a difference... Lol. This rule is a total joke, if you don't want to wear a crop don't go to a gym that wears them. I hate this rule, and my daughter is 9."

This is my whole argument on this point. My gym only wears full tops, so this is not the issue. The issue is that the rule does not make any common sense at all. And this is a relatively benign rule, so you would think the powers that be would get this right. This little rule right here just makes it more clear to me that all of the rules handed down were not clearly thought out. Even if some of the rules are for the betterment of the sport, the board did not do a good job of laying this out to the members. Too bad as they lost a lot of credibility with these announcements. I really have to think through how I will proceed from here out when it pertains to what events I will take my teams to in the future.
it does start in 2015-2016 and personally i agree with it some of the tinys and minis wearing the same half tops as the older girls is becoming slightly inappropriate... i believe its Fierce? the black and pink i LOVE their uniforms! but when i see those small tops and even smaller shorts on a mini aged kid it makes me feel like i need to shield my eyes...not only that but i feel bad for the heavier set people that may not be comfortable wearing a half top uni that need to wear them because it is the "it thing" to have crop top uniforms right now
See really, I have a slightly different opinion...Older girls have breasts, Tiny's do not. Now MOST men are not hardwired to be pedos so they're not looking at the little girls thinking...mmmhhmmm
...however, they are hardwired to at least have a look at 16yr old girl w/breasts and a nice figure (as are even women). A bikini on a 6 year old looks a hell of a lot different than a bikini on an attractive younger woman w/a nice figure. When you look, one makes you say "awww, how cute"..the other...I'll just leave it at that.

Also I dare someone to tell me to put something over my child after I've paid your comp fee, my travel expenses, AND my entry fee to go watch my child compete after I've already paid for her to compete. See what happens!
I have NO idea why anyone would argue to have their 8 year old in LESS clothes
The 8 yr olds aren't the ones having the wardrobe malfunctions either...
I personally don't mind. I allow my child to wear a hello kitty bikini to the beach and a sports bra and soffees to practice...which is actually less clothing than her uniform
I must be the minority but I'd rather see the little girls show their tummies than the senior girls who are fully developed and barely fitting in their tops and hanging out of the bottoms! Our gym has had some tops and bottoms that I thought were close to being too short. ( barley cupping around the bottoms) Usually its been the uniform manufacturer making them all wrong and by the time they were able to fix them, the season was basically over for us!!! I did personally think that one of the gyms in the Miami area had a uniform that was dangerously getting close to looking like an adult entertainer outfit but I don't live in Miami or Rio were people wearing thongs are more the norm or something that much of the population could even pull off. So maybe if I did live there, then I might be more conditioned to accept that on my cp. Not judging, but just look at it as to what I would be uncomfortable with if I needed to run into a business on the way home from a competition.... Would I be embarrassed to bring her in without having her put something on over what she was in. Would I feel the need to explain it when showing our friends that have never seen or heard of this type of cheerleading. When my cp was a mini showing her belly, I never was uncomfortable but as she has gotten older I worry I won't always feel the same comfort level for her in her senior uniform.

Reallycoolcheermommy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
lol...I didn't see you're not the only one.
read my post...'
I think it's creepy that someone would be looking at my 6 yr olds stomach thinking something perverted or obscene just bc you can see her belly button.
Stop complaining before they make full tops mandatory for everyone! Seriously..... It's a uniform... they can go back to old school w/ turtlenecks and all would you rather that?!

All they are trying to do is keep the "sport" athletic and not a fashion show. There is not a thing wrong w/ being clothed... and while I know some uniforms and crop tops are appropraite and some programs respect the age level of thier participants some push the envelope... I liked the comment be a bikini model.... HA

Really, at the end of the day if your child is getting the instruction they need, going to the competitions you want, in a program where it is a healthy environment and a good fit for you, does it really matter if the girls wear crop tops or not?! Just seems silly.

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