Everyone spam this ignorant author's email address. Sign her up for as many free web contests as you can find... mbartlett@ thisweeknews.com
Here's what I wrote in response to her joke of an article...
This is the most unintelligent and poorly thought out article I have ever read. Perhaps the journalist should think about going back to school for journalism to discover what it means to actually put in some investigative work on a story. If the author wants an answer to her question, doesn't it make sense to perhaps interview some coaches in the sport and get some answers?!?
The kids that cheer competitively work extremely hard on their skills and routines. It takes hard work and dedication to win at major competitions that are held all over the US. I suppose the author would attend a Cirque Du Soleil event and ask why the acrobats are flying through the air... what is their purpose.
What's the purpose of any sport? Isn't it to entertain the audience that is watching while teaching the children the definition of teamwork, hard work and dedication. Is football, soccer, baseball, volleyball, or any other conventional sport played only for one purpose? Doesn't competitive cheer leading do all of these things? Should we question runners who run around a track to race. I mean, according to the author we should be asking, "Where are they running to"? There's no purpose in running if you're not running somewhere.
My guess is the author most likely has some sort of grudge against cheer leading as a whole. Perhaps she was jilted in high school and didn't make her local squad. Either way, I think I lost about 10,000 brain cells reading this ignorant article. I would further elaborate on the ignorance of the author, but it seems like it would be equivalent to calling the kettle black. Clearly for some, ignorance really is bliss.