All-Star Outraged... Please Help

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Bahahaaa, oh well... LOL.
Some people won't get it. I've stopped trying to convince everyone of what cheerleading is. It's just not worth the effort.
Did anyone else notice that out of ALL of those comments, only one agreed with her, and their reasoning was, "my 24 year old son who played football in high school doesn't think its a sport either." I guess people who suck at reasoning stick together.
She probably tried out for a squad in middle school and didn't make it, so she has a complex. We have better things to do than read the ramblings of ignorance.
Everyone spam this ignorant author's email address. Sign her up for as many free web contests as you can find... mbartlett@

Here's what I wrote in response to her joke of an article...
This is the most unintelligent and poorly thought out article I have ever read. Perhaps the journalist should think about going back to school for journalism to discover what it means to actually put in some investigative work on a story. If the author wants an answer to her question, doesn't it make sense to perhaps interview some coaches in the sport and get some answers?!?

The kids that cheer competitively work extremely hard on their skills and routines. It takes hard work and dedication to win at major competitions that are held all over the US. I suppose the author would attend a Cirque Du Soleil event and ask why the acrobats are flying through the air... what is their purpose.

What's the purpose of any sport? Isn't it to entertain the audience that is watching while teaching the children the definition of teamwork, hard work and dedication. Is football, soccer, baseball, volleyball, or any other conventional sport played only for one purpose? Doesn't competitive cheer leading do all of these things? Should we question runners who run around a track to race. I mean, according to the author we should be asking, "Where are they running to"? There's no purpose in running if you're not running somewhere.

My guess is the author most likely has some sort of grudge against cheer leading as a whole. Perhaps she was jilted in high school and didn't make her local squad. Either way, I think I lost about 10,000 brain cells reading this ignorant article. I would further elaborate on the ignorance of the author, but it seems like it would be equivalent to calling the kettle black. Clearly for some, ignorance really is bliss.
I left this comment:

I'm not going to jump to the defense of competitive cheerleading, because plenty of other people have already commented on that. I am, however, going to point out the complete lack of credibility and integrity in this "article". This seems more like something that belongs on the blog of a rambling, bitter teenaged girl than in a newspaper. I've got a "why" for you... WHY would anyone allow this to be published? I was on the paper in high school and I learned not to be so biased. I'm sure if this is your profession, that must have been drilled into your head a thousand times throughout college. But it seems as though you were never educated on those points. Learn to balance, find counter arguments for your arguments. I understand that competitive cheerleading doesn't make much sense to the people not involved, but instead of simply bashing it, why don't you make an attempt to find out more? I sense a severe lack of professionalism in you, and I'm sorry ThisWeek has to stretch and give such a terrible writer the satisfaction of calling herself a "journalist".
With all the problems in our world, you'd think she'd have something to of great importance to write about instead of bashing competitive cheerleading which she obviously knows nothing about.
To quote the Principal in Billy Madison: "What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
I feel like the fireceboarders should change that last line to:
I award you no shimmy's, and may God have mercy on your soul.
So I went a little overboard an wrote the editor also. :( it was constructive criticism. haha

I emailed her myself, haha, nothing bad, just speaking the truth about the athletes that cheer!!!!!!!
I definitely left my thoughts on that page - mm mm mm... Poor Margo. She doesn't have a clue what she just got herself into.
Dear Margo they aren't going home to their athletes, because THEY are the athletes! They ARE going home to their fans if that's makes any sense because what you wrote "going home to their athletes and their fans, but they aren't" No athlete goes home to their fans. Fans waiting at an athletes home is called a stalker, like you going to random convetion centers to watch cheer and boys play volleyball and calling yourself a "journalist"

You get a "lift" when you see boys plaing volleyball, that is my question to you? WTF? I don't even know what means.
If you don't get it don't look, no one will care. Stop hanging around coventions centers when you have no business being there. I'm sure the boys volleyball team doesn't want you getting your "lift"from them.

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