Now before I start let me just say I am not biased to ANY of the LAG teams. Almost every single year I have favored a different team.
The only part of Senior Elite's routine I have a problem with is their standing tumbling. It needs to be cleaned up A LOT in my opinion. But everything else... rock solid. Panthers has the advantage in standing tumbling. It took me a few views of their performance to really warm up to it because of how original and new it is but I'm really loving it. Their stunting is underwhelming at the moment, even if all of those stunts were hitting and not as watered down I would still be slightly underwhelmed. The running tumbling... Senior Elite wins that for me also. It has many more specialty passes rather than Panthers while still having more than one person doing it at the same time, even if it feels a bit... repetitive come the end of the tumbling. Senior Elite's pyramid destroys Panthers also but Panthers dance is killer.
Overall, standing tumbling and jumps in Panthers favor, pyramid, stunting, baskets, and running tumbling in SE's.
No I am not making any predictions because all the scoresheets are different and who knows which scoresheets will favor which routine. This is all personal opinion and SE takes the cake for me right now.