All-Star Parent/spectator Questions

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Cheer Parent
Sep 16, 2014
someone posted for athletes so I decided to do it for us parents/spectators. (It's probably been done before but why not do it again?! Lol)

1. What are your biggest cheerleading pet peeve/ or ur pet peeve about ur cp (cheer related)?
2. Favorite team or teams?
3. How many years have you been a cheer parent or spectator?
4. Favorite competition to attend?
5. What is your competition event pet peeve?
6. If I would have known then what I was getting myself (and my pockets) into I would have.....
7. If I could change one thing about cheering it would be....

Feel free to add questions to this... Slow brain for me today lol
1. Athletes not showing up to practice and/or threatening to quit every time something doesn't go their way. Pet peeve about my CP-goofing off during her privates (that cost a fortune

2. Woodlands elite Generals, Brandon Black and smoed

3. 7yrs
4. NCA
5. Not being on time, running out of medals, jackets or whatever they give out

6. Not encouraged my daughter to move up so quickly. She could have spent 2 years on each level and probably had way more fun

7. Raise the age limit for worlds teams. Should be at least 14 IMO
1. What are your biggest cheerleading pet peeve/ or ur pet peeve about ur cp (cheer related)? mental blocks, struggle is real for oldest CP
2. Favorite teams/gyms? Woodlands Elite Black Ops & Generals, CA (both CA's), Spirit of Texas, CEA, World Cup, Top Gun
3. How many years have you been a cheer parent or spectator? Starting year 7
4. Favorite competition to attend? NCA Nationals
5. What is your competition event pet peeve? Stay To Play, Comp. ending extremely late on Sun/school the next day
6. If I would have known then what I was getting myself (and my pockets) into I would have..... Ran LOL (j/k)
7. If I could change one thing about cheering it would be.... get rid of stay to play / lower cost * @tifffer wouldn't mind seeing world's age raised to 13 or 14 (something teens can look forward to)
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1. What are your biggest cheerleading pet peeve/ or ur pet peeve about ur cp (cheer related)? The culture of Susie's and their moms. I don't wanna hear how tired you are or why you think your child should fly; sit down, shut up and let the coaches do what you pay them to do. For my own CP; how much pressure she puts on herself because she can get really intense and it's just not healthy.
2. Favorite team or teams? Whatever team my daughter is on :cool:
3. How many years have you been a cheer parent or spectator? I've been spectating cheer off and on since I was a teen. I danced in a studio attached to an AS program and had several friends there. Didn't pay much attention to it until CP decided to join the sport; so as a parent, about 3 years or so.
4. Favorite competition to attend? Mardi Gras is always a fun one, we're not going to any comps this season that CP has ever been to so I'm excited to experience some new ones
5. What is your competition event pet peeve? Running late
6. If I would have known then what I was getting myself (and my pockets) into I would have..... Maybe put it off for a while ;p No, I don't know---I'd still let her do it. Some of the stuff we dealt with at our first gym was unavoidable because it wasn't just SM's, it was also the military wives culture. Unless you've been one, that may make no sense to you. I also likely would have had CP do half-season when we moved at her current gym instead of where we went. Nothing against that program, I just would have preferred not to have to move gyms if we didn't need to.
7. If I could change one thing about cheering it would be.... No STP; fix the age grid
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1. What are your biggest cheerleading pet peeve/ or ur pet peeve about ur cp (cheer related)? She has an obnoxious cheer bow obsession and it costs me too much money lol.
2. Favorite team or teams? CEA youth elite, glitter penguins, and Spotlight, ICE LL, thunder, and frost, shooting stars,
3. How many years have you been a cheer parent or spectator? This is my 5th year
4. Favorite competition to attend? Love wsf, don't know why. Dallas was fun because I met so many people.
5. What is your competition event pet peeve? Not allowing outside food
6. If I would have known then what I was getting myself (and my pockets) into I would have..... Prayed for a miracle money tree(still waiting)
7. If I could change one thing about cheering it would be... late nights followed by early mornings
1. What are your biggest cheerleading pet peeve/ or ur pet peeve about ur cp (cheer related)? - Drama mamas. Absenteeism. Bad attitudes, aka "I already know everything, so don't try to tell me what to do." With my own kid? Yeah, that would be how hard she is on herself - cut yourself a little slack, kiddo. Rome, after all, was not built in a day!
2. Favorite team or teams? - My CPs team, of course (IAS Sr. Blush). Infinity Allstars Sr. Black is my favorite World's team! BA Sr. Black - our biggest localish World's competitor, and I think they're amazing! There are A LOT of teams I really enjoy watching.
3. How many years have you been a cheer parent or spectator? 4
4. Favorite competition to attend? Last year it was States in Daytona Beach - close to home and just a fun weekend.
5. What is your competition event pet peeve? People who stand in chairs or in the aisles during a performance. People who crowd the priority viewing section, even though they don't know a single person on the performing team.
6. If I would have known then what I was getting myself (and my pockets) into I would have..... Allowed CP to start much earlier than she did.
7. If I could change one thing about cheering it would be.... Less expensive.
1. What are your biggest cheerleading pet peeve/ or ur pet peeve about ur cp (cheer related)?
* Lack of a communication strategy. This leaves too many assumptions that the information will just magically get out somehow (and no, sending 1 email out and saying "see I sent something out" and hoping everybody reads it isn't not communicating the message). Everybody does well with social media but communication is more than a Tweet or Intragram. When parents are constantly asking the same questions there's a clear indication that the message isn't being communicated.
* Lack of planning or foresight. It takes a business model to build a successful program (this goes for any organization including not-for-profits). Yes cheer experience is key but if you don't have the business mindset it will create HUGE issues. If you don't know a thing about business then partner with somebody who does so you can do what you're good at and they can do the business side of what they're good at. Eventually it will catch up with you and that's when you have frustrated parents, mama-drama, poor employee engagement with the coaching staff, low funds, and a so many more headaches.
* A lacking of good customer service.

2. Favorite team or teams?
CSS Great Whites!

3. How many years have you been a cheer parent or spectator?

4. Favorite competition to attend?
We've stayed fairly local with the biggest being Cheer Evolution Nationals in Niagara Falls. Looking forward to attending Jamfest in Indy this year.

5. What is your competition event pet peeve?
* Not being able to bring in outside food (loath arena food)
* Poor communication and organization. It seems like everybody looks at the big picture forgetting that the details are critical to any event. Last year one of our bigger comp's changed the date and the location a month before (in December non less) and acted like it was nothing while everybody scrambled.

6. If I would have known then what I was getting myself (and my pockets) into I would have.....
Started saving sooner!

7. If I could change one thing about cheering it would be....
Get rid of STP
1. What are your biggest cheerleading pet peeve/ or ur pet peeve about ur cp (cheer related)? When people miss practice. My CP does not miss. I do not buy concert tickets on practice night, we don't go with friends to the movies or the beach when she has practice. It really bothers me that so many athletes are not very committed!
2. Favorite team or teams? Brandon Black and all of the Twist and Shout teams I saw for the first time last year.
3. How many years have you been a cheer parent or spectator? This is our 7th year
4. Favorite competition to attend? UCA in Orlando
5. What is your competition event pet peeve? I hate when different levels are grouped together (Large Senior 4 and Small Senior 4 for example). I really really really HATE Stay to Play!
6. If I would have known then what I was getting myself (and my pockets) into I would have.....Probably had her do tumbling and rec cheer for a couple more years and waited on all-star.
7. If I could change one thing about cheering it would be...The tremendous emphasis on difficulty instead of clean routines. I hate that the athletes are pushed to try more and more difficult=dangerous things in order to be competitive and have a shot at winning. I do not like to go watch a team doing crazy stunts that look like a hot mess!!!
1. What are your biggest cheerleading pet peeve/ or ur pet peeve about ur cp (cheer related)? Lack of commitment from athletes/parents - don't sign up if you don't want to show up. CP's inability to get rid of the self confidence demons that still haunt her.
2. Favorite team or teams? Wildcats, TGLC
3. How many years have you been a cheer parent or spectator? This is my 9th year
4. Favorite competition to attend? NCA
5. What is your competition event pet peeve? Cost of admission/food/parking - I don't even ask other family members to come and watch because of the cost.
6. If I would have known then what I was getting myself (and my pockets) into I would have..... Started retired CP earlier - she started late and really never progressed her skills and she still misses it.
7. If I could change one thing about cheering it would be....STP
1. What are your biggest cheerleading pet peeve/ or ur pet peeve about ur cp (cheer related)? Kids accepting team assignment and then missing a bunch of practices--hey, the rest of the team made it, why can't you? I get that people have vacations, especially in summer, and I'm not talking about those or the occasional school event or sickness--just the rest of the mystery absences. Also it frustrates me when Suzie is signed up for way too many activities and her SM is proud that Suzie is doing so much that she just can't make it to cheer practice. Ugh--go away.

2. Favorite team or teams? CP 's team. Also loved seeing CP's excitement to watch the worlds level teams at NCA from lots of different gyms.

3. How many years have you been a cheer parent or spectator? 2

4. Favorite competition to attend? Any comp where the schedule comes out in a reasonable time before the comp (and no, I don't mean just 24 hours before, either) and where the comp is run efficiently with level awards given out after CP's level and not the end of the really long day.

5. What is your competition event pet peeve? Crazy seat (or seat section) saving and really long days. Also dislike the parents who allow their Suzies to run up and down the stairs after their performance and block everyone else's view of their own kids performing--have some consideration already and sit down. Also dislike events that do not offer anything decent to eat if it's going to be a long day. If I have to be there most of my day, no, I do not want your dried out pretzel...

6. If I would have known then what I was getting myself (and my pockets) into I would have..... The pockets--ouch--but even so, if I'd known how much CP would love allstar, I'd probably have put her in it just a year or two earlier.

7. If I could change one thing about cheering it would be.... STAY TO PLAY- don't like it, not one bit.
1. What are your biggest cheerleading pet peeve/ or ur pet peeve about ur cp (cheer related)?
CP likes to twirl during practice. Also anytime any of the girls starts messing around. Tinys especially feed off of each other and everyone goes crazy.

2. Favorite team or teams?
Any Cheer Athletics team

3. How many years have you been a cheer parent or spectator?
Starting my second year as a parent, 13th or 14th year as an online/TV spectator

4. Favorite competition to attend?
US Finals was my favorite so far. Still a prep parent so we haven't experienced a whole lot yet.

5. What is your competition event pet peeve?
Section savers. Litter.

6. If I would have known then what I was getting myself (and my pockets) into I would have.....
Opened a hotel rewards account sooner? Nothing else, I've known all along the price I'd pay!

7. If I could change one thing about cheering it would be....
Open Level 1 so I could cheer again!
And cheaper costs, of course.
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1. What are your biggest cheerleading pet peeve/ or ur pet peeve about ur cp (cheer related)? It bugs me when people don't treat AS as a real sport. We've been in it so long that I don't care much anymore...but I used to get highly offended and have been known to whip out a video of the routine to show the athleticism *blush*
2. Favorite team or teams? Gah...I could watch most World's teams all day...partial to CA
3. How many years have you been a cheer parent or spectator? Our 7th year! CP started at 6 on Mini 1!
4. Favorite competition to attend? Probably because of the setting & the weather...but definitely Summit! Love the way the venues are set up, the beer garden, the Mickey...:)
5. What is your competition event pet peeve? Ugh, the foul food, ridiculous admission prices, and especially events that don't have preferred seating.
6. If I would have known then what I was getting myself (and my pockets) into I would have..... Eh, probably nothing. CP has progressed nicely and is completely addicted.
7. If I could change one thing about cheering it would be.... STP, it absolutely violates my sense of freedom as an American!! Seriously!
1. What are your biggest cheerleading pet peeve/ or ur pet peeve about ur cp (cheer related)? Closed practice (yep I'm that mom that likes to watch, call it paranoia as my kid broke her arm cheering- I will always want to be there in case something happens)
2. Favorite team or teams? My cp teams, Cheer Extreme teams and Brandon senior black
3. How many years have you been a cheer parent or spectator? Too many but about 6 or 7
4. Favorite competition to attend? Well I had tons of fun at Mardi Gras events, I enjoy the destinations such as Virginia Beach, Myrtle Beach, Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge.
5. What is your competition event pet peeve? High priced food bad quality food and sometimes lack of cell signal.
6. If I would have known then what I was getting myself (and my pockets) into I would have..... Robbed a bank lol
7. If I could change one thing about cheering it would be.... Stay to Play. Seriously! First you charge outrageous admission. And the venue charges parking and we are hostage to high priced food vendors. Not to mention competition fees. Then you want to force me to stay at a "discounted" hotel that may or may not be close to the venue. I can find better prices on my own. Somebody is getting a kickback somewhere which translates to a higher price not a discount. Can't the cities see that they ARE getting revenue already no matter where we stay? Offer TRUE discounts.
1. What are your biggest cheerleading pet peeve/ or ur pet peeve about ur cp (cheer related)? That CP does not miss any practice when not feeling well and others don't come because of a cold.

2. Favorite team or teams? Loved watching Lady Pros last year and of course my CP's teams especially Special Needs she coached!!

3. How many years have you been a cheer parent or spectator? She cheered for 10 years, since she was 7 and graduated in June.

4. Favorite competition to attend? Any where us cheer moms have a great time!

5. What is your competition event pet peeve? People who save seats and get nasty if God forbid u sit there for 5 minutes.

6. If I would have known then what I was getting myself (and my pockets) into I would have..... Worked for a hotel and airline.

7. If I could change one thing about cheering it would be.... STP. Hate it!

Feel free to add questions to this... Slow brain for me today lol[/QUOTE]
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1. What are your biggest cheerleading pet peeve/ or ur pet peeve about ur cp (cheer related)? My pet peeve are families that miss practice with no valid excuse. It hinders a team. Don't be on allstar if you aren't committed.

2. Favorite team or teams? ICE Thunder last season hands down. Specifically the Uptown Funk part.

3. How many years have you been a cheer parent or spectator? This is our 3rd season allstar, 5th season total

4. Favorite competition to attend? So far my favorite has been Summit and American Championships.

5. What is your competition event pet peeve? Coaches from other teams that try to intimidate other teams, or that cause scenes with judges because they don't get their way.

6. If I would have known then what I was getting myself (and my pockets) into I would have..... I wouldn't have done anything differently.

7. If I could change one thing about cheering it would be.... That parents that have tantrums about the team their CP is placed on would just go away. It's about the kids, not the parents! Get over yourselves! :)

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