The back and forth here is interesting to see, but I think what it boils down to is gymnastics, ice skating, etc. all release their scores and cheer should do the same. I understand there are different panels, I understand there will be different judges, but heck, sometimes you'll have insanely different judging styles on the same panel impacting scores as well (I believe somebody said ice skating drops the highest and lowest score, which could be an awesome idea). I don't think the individual notes should be released, as they aren't in the other subjective sports, but at the very least each team's total difficulty and total execution scores would be nice to see. Heck, maybe if it's possible they could have it broken down into categories.
To be clear, I'm a firm believer that the whole way cheer is judged should be changed. In an ideal world, coaches submit their difficulty scores at the start of the day (listing number of skills in each category, maybe even a video submission for stunts if it's too complex), one judge comes up with D scores based on elements, and a second judge watches the routine to ensure all skills listed are getting thrown. If they are all thrown, they keep their D score, if someone chucks a tuck instead of a layout, then it's lowered significantly enough to deter coaches from listing skills that aren't always thrown and putting them in the routine. At that point, the judging panel only has to focus on execution, and yes that will still vary, but if the D scores across all panels are at least all scored by the same person in advance then there's some consistency. Logistically I understand this would be very tricky, but it's not impossible.
The bottom line in my opinion is that scores should never be hidden or some huge secret; there is absolutely no reason that competitions can't be transparent other than the fact they know their scoring is inconsistent and they don't want an uproar. But, the uproar is here anyway, so may as well start working towards a solution vs. just ignoring it as is and trucking on.