not sure if anyone had already mentioned this, but... I've been reading up on this thread (and others) and i notice that some of you thinks it's unfair or poor sportsmanship when people start screaming and yelling when first place gets called. watching a couple of NCA nationals awards ceremonies, I didn't see that many teams going crazy when second place was called, i was actually happy and surprised.
and might I state.... i know i may get some disagreements, but...
Guys, cheerleading is a sport right? so, you win some, you lose some, you talk your trash and you congratulate others. one things that kind of gets me a little angry is when people say "why can't cheer just be a happy place" it will never be like that just for the fact that we are a SPORT. who watches basketball, football, or any other sport? you'll see PROFESSIONAL sports players either talking trash or talking good upon their opponents. (i may or may not agree with what or how some things were said, but it's life) it happens in EVERY sport. now, do i wish some of the things that happens in cheer didn't happen? yes, but do i believe that cheer will ever be some mystical wonderful happy place? no, because fans and athletes have their opinions and a lot of them aren't scared to voice them. there's poor sportsmanship in every sport. it causes for entertainment. Like how some of you think "cheer is now a business" well so is basically ever other sport. you voice your opinion on social media, people see it, BAM, you have a couple more "fans" or whatever. more people pay attention to you/your team or gym during comps or in general, more publicity, more money to the gym. now in my opinion, not all publicity is good publicity, but to some people, that's how it works.
Oh! and I'm not saying Suzie should tweet "OMG Shady Athletics is so much better than Back Tuck All-Stars, Back Tuck All-Stars can't even hold up a stunt, Blasé Blasé, more bad mouth" but we shouldn't cry and complain every time someone says something terrible about another team or gym. YES i've seen some of the terrible things said and really wish they weren't, i also wish parents/coaches would teach their athletes respect and that bad mouthing is NOT the way to go when you're upset, but if someone tweets "yeah i feel as though we should've beat Shady Athletics, there routine was terrible" then that's just how they feel.
ALSO, once again not saying bad mouthing is good, but i think some of us take it to the heart more than others.