We did 16x16's in field hockey, very similar. Sprint to the top of the circle (16 yards) and back peddle back. 16 times. Brutal! I introduced these to my middle schoolers I coached this year, and they hated me for about a week. They eventually got over it after they realized they were getting in better shape and were able to actually play a full game! But it was actually my favorite 'end of practice' running drill we did. For us, running wasn't punishment, just a part of practice. Field hockey players run an average of 5 miles a game, only way to prepare for that is to run in practice. While we don't 'run' while cheering, you certainly need stamina, and running is a great way to obtain that. Personally, I think running drills should be incorporated to every practice, although I realize that's not always feasible. I agree with the others who've said that conditioning shouldn't be a punishment. Does it suck? Yup. Will it help you gain body control and the muscles you need in order to accomplish that next skill? Yup. I don't really know where I'm going with this, so I guess I'll end with conditioning = good; cleaning toilets/mirrors/vacuuming = punishment.