Pushing Through

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Mar 31, 2014
I have recently had an injury during cheer training were I fell out of the pyramid. It was very difficult for me to do anything from then on. I went to Minor Injuries and I had a tear in my ligament and I had a pinched nerve. I had a competition coming up the next week so I had to recover fast. I went to the comp still in pain but I managed to push through the 2 day nationals !

My point is ... When you feel like giving up never do because the feeling after you have done it is amazing !

Ellie x
Are u going to feel "amazing" when the dr says u can't do cheer for a year or never again! Your health is more important than cheer. This is coming from a mom whose daughter has had 2 knee surgeries in the past 4 months. I know it sucks to b injured and out of the sport but............it may help your team when u push it thru for the weekend, but you come first over a trophy.

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I've broken my feet three times in 10months and its because I came back to fast.I have not injured my foot again since I have been patient and doing physical therapy. Don't go back until your fully healed! !

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I know cheerleading seems like the only thing in the world right now, but believe me, the pain you're in now gets so much worse as you get older. I tore a tendon in my shoulder in high school. My doctor suggested surgery. My coach wanted to let it heal naturally/push through the season. I pushed through and ended up tumbling when I really shouldn't have. That was 8 years ago and i'm still in physical therapy for it. I really wish I took time to let my body heal. Everyone's body reacts differently to falls, tears, breaks, and sprains. You have to let your body tell you when your ready to get back out there.
I was so happy to read everyone's responses about NOT pushing through the pain and allowing yourself (or your child) the time to recover and properly heal.
Repeatedly pushing through the pain at age 13-15 resulted in two ankle surgeries for my daughter within 8 months at age 15 to fix the damage that had been done. Listen to the doctor. And for parents, be an advocate for your child, not for the coach/gym/team they are on. Don't feel pressured to return or to send your child back too soon. They give away his/her/your spot because of injury? So be it. The ability to walk and/or to have full range of motion and a pain-free existence is way more important.
I tore my MCL tumbling a while back and was out for a few months. When I was cleared I could do everything except for jumps.

I told my coach not to choreograph me in rounds with jumps because I knew my body couldn't handle it.

However, someone got a more serious injury the day before our first competition and I had to be put in and jump the rest of the season.

I was happy to be able to help my team in a time of need, but it wasn't the right decision for my body. My knee is still all kinds of screwed up today and this happened over a year ago.

It's really important to know your limit when cheering, because whether we like it or not, it takes a huge toll on our bodies.

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Don't push through the pain, if you're injured, take a step back and rest. It may seem like you're off forever, but one day you'll look back and see that the time you spent resting was so minimal, compared to what you would have gone through if you hadn't let yourself heal properly.

I wish I had someone who told me this years ago, and maybe someone did, but I didn't listen. And I regret it so much. Like, if I could go back and re-do it all, I would. Don't let anyone ever tell you that you need to work through it, or that you're weak for not participating. Because they're wrong. My old coaches did this for years by guilt-tripping, threatening to kick us off the team or turning us against each other; because of this I can't do a lot of things that I should.

Cheer is ridiculously intense; you can't just ignore an injury. And even if you bounce back quickly now, I guarantee that in five years time its not going to be the same. Lay the groundwork and take care of your body now, so when you're older you won't have to. Nobody wants to be the 17 year old whom has the body of an 80 year old.
I tore my MCL tumbling a while back and was out for a few months. When I was cleared I could do everything except for jumps.

I told my coach not to choreograph me in rounds with jumps because I knew my body couldn't handle it.

However, someone got a more serious injury the day before our first competition and I had to be put in and jump the rest of the season.

I was happy to be able to help my team in a time of need, but it wasn't the right decision for my body. My knee is still all kinds of screwed up today and this happened over a year ago.

It's really important to know your limit when cheering, because whether we like it or not, it takes a huge toll on our bodies.

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Your coach should not of asked u to do this, if you r a minor your mom should of told that coach no. You were put in a situation that the trophy was more important than your health. :(.

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We left a gym when CP was 9 because she was being told that she had stunt by a coach at a closed practice, when her doctor said she needed to take a few weeks off. This coach was also the owner. We took that season off because of this.

Your health should always rank higher than a trophy! Any gym or coach who does not realize this does not have their athletes best interest at heart.

Mommy to CP and BP!
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At a former gym we had a coach that made an athlete take their boot off to stunt (she was a flyer). The coach told her she didn't need the boot in the first place...

....well dang! Why spend such money on orthopedic doctors when captain cheertastic could diagnose you for free! /endsarcasm

Why the parent allowed that to happen (she complained about it in the parent area but never said anything to the coach) I'll never understand.

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Your coach should not of asked u to do this, if you r a minor your mom should of told that coach no. You were put in a situation that the trophy was more important than your health. :(.

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I volunteered, it was in no way the fault of my coach or parent! I was completely cleared for athletic activity from my doctor jumping just irritated me. My coach in no way would have put me in that situation had I not convinced her I was safe and capable. :)
We left a gym when CP was 9 because she was being told that she had stunt by a coach at a closed practice, when her doctor said she needed to take a few weeks off. This coach was also the owner. We took that season off because of this.

Your health should always rank higher than a trophy! Any gym or coach who does not realize this does not have their athletes best interest at heart.

Mommy to CP and BP!
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My favorite Unethical Coach Saying:


If you're ever coming off of an injury and someone tells you that, it's time to find a new gym. Immediately.

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