All-Star Really? Can't A Parent Just Be A Parent?

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but I would never try to give them 'constructive criticism'. That makes it seem like you should be coaching and the coaches aren't too fond of armchair cheer coaching, backseat cheer coaching....etc.....;)

I agreed with your whole post except this part. Everything else was SPOT ON. :)

(Disclaimer: this doesn't apply to my current gym, since we haven't even had a practice there yet, so I certainly don't know these coaches) But it depends on what you consider "constructive criticism" - I most certainly would NEVER DREAM of telling a coach where they should put people or what I think of the routine. But if I think they are too hard (or more often not hard enough) on my cp, I will say so. My experience is that coaches have always felt free to give ME "constructive criticism" on my parenting :eek: (when I took my oldest out of cheer last year for instance) I don't see why that wouldn't be a 2 way street.

I won't say a peep unless I feel it's absolutely necessary, but I'm not going to spend thousands of dollars and be unhappy and not say something. These would be the same coaches that would be shocked and horrified if people changed gyms without telling them what was wrong and giving them a chance to fix it, right?
Foo...too late to edit.

But I wanted to know who bothers me WAY more than Susie's Mom? The woman who complains about Susie's Mom all. the. time. I don't actually care if you're Susie's Mom. I think we all are sometimes - yes, all of us, even the ones who don't know it. It's OK - really, it is. It's YOUR KID. Parent him/her however you want. Sorry coaches and directors - I know it's annoying, believe me, I know. People annoy me at my job all the time - and clients offer me "constructive criticism" all day. It's part of having a job. And if you don't like my parenting style, that's OK. I probably secretly don't like yours either. ;)
Completely agree with all of this. But I think the saddest part, for me, is that I don't trust so many of the other cheer moms. I fear that the moms that talk to me at the gym are trying to psych me or my cp out. I feel like when they ask what team she wants to be on next season, it's because they're stacking their kid up against mine. When they ask what "number" she was at tryouts, I won't tell. I don't talk to the coaches or owners, or friend them on fb, out of fear of someone saying I'm a kiss-*$$.
That's why I feel like YOU ALL are my support system. You all go through the same things I go through. You understand my love and growing knowledge of the sport. You get why I listen to cheer music and sit at practice and buy the Worlds VOD and cry at my gym's teams performances. And I know that when I see you all at comps, we'll be a big ole teal, gold/black, red/black, royal/white, silver, orange and green mess cheering on each other's kids like they were our own.
You can tell us!!! We will be excited WITH you when your cp makes the team she's hoping for!:) and...we will be disappointed with both of you if she doesn't. :( You should move to Illinois ;) We, along with @Just-a-Mom, can start the first "non cheer moms" cheer mom club! :D Who's in???
You can tell us!!! We will be excited WITH you when your cp makes the team she's hoping for!:) and...we will be disappointed with both of you if she doesn't. :( You should move to Illinois ;) We, along with @Just-a-Mom, can start the first "non cheer moms" cheer mom club! :D Who's in???

I WANNA COME!!! lolol
For the most part, I think the coaches can tell the difference between "those" moms/dads, and the supportive ones who just enjoy all aspects of cheer and being involved (and this goes for any youth sports)., especially if a coach has been coaching a long time - they have seen all types of parents, - I do think the "normal" cheer parents far outweigh the not so normal ones...- I am pretty involved with cheer, and do know a little more (regarding levels, etc.) than some of the other moms at my gym - so I am usually the one they go to when they have questions lol. I enjoy going to comps, and keeping up to date with everything involving all stars. I know that my daughter will look back on this time of her life, with fond memories, and I am hoping she will appreciate the time we got to spend together. This will be my 9th yr of all stars - so I am past the point of really caring what other parents may think :) I do not interfere with the coaching - I am just along for the ride - but I am very involved in the ride :D
I agreed with your whole post except this part. Everything else was SPOT ON. :)

(Disclaimer: this doesn't apply to my current gym, since we haven't even had a practice there yet, so I certainly don't know these coaches) But it depends on what you consider "constructive criticism" - I most certainly would NEVER DREAM of telling a coach where they should put people or what I think of the routine. But if I think they are too hard (or more often not hard enough) on my cp, I will say so. My experience is that coaches have always felt free to give ME "constructive criticism" on my parenting :eek: (when I took my oldest out of cheer last year for instance) I don't see why that wouldn't be a 2 way street.

I won't say a peep unless I feel it's absolutely necessary, but I'm not going to spend thousands of dollars and be unhappy and not say something. These would be the same coaches that would be shocked and horrified if people changed gyms without telling them what was wrong and giving them a chance to fix it, right?

That's why I mentioned making an appointment to talk to the coach about your child. If there is specific information that a coach should know that will benefit him/her in coaching that child, definitely talk about it.
@Mclovin nailed it on the head. I am who I am and I love it, and she loves it. That is all that matters.

I am at every practice, every class, always have been and always will be. I dress in Rays gear most days like a walking billboard for the gym. I mix music, read the boards, keep up with rules and talk shop with the coaches. ALL of my friends are cheer friends. It is who I am, and I'm proud of it. Don't like it? Too bad!

My opinion is this: cheer for your cp the way you want to. If you're excited about her doing this, then be excited! Don't let other people ever dictate who you choose to be. If they have a problem with it, tell them to gossip about it out of your earshot because you're too busy watching your child. I've learned through personal experience that if you don't make it fun for yourself as well as for your child, then it makes for a very long, very stressful, very depressing year. I'm not friends with all the moms (or dads) at my cp's gym, but I have a select few friends whom I know share the same excitement, same silly sense of humor and accept each other for how we are, no stereotype imposed. Be who you want to be, cheer how you want to cheer-forget the noise in the background.
That's why I mentioned making an appointment to talk to the coach about your child. If there is specific information that a coach should know that will benefit him/her in coaching that child, definitely talk about it.

Oh. :oops: I missed that part. I see it now. Sorry. :oops: :oops:<--how many of these little guys can I post? :oops:
You can tell us!!! We will be excited WITH you when your cp makes the team she's hoping for!:) and...we will be disappointed with both of you if she doesn't. :( You should move to Illinois ;) We, along with @Just-a-Mom, can start the first "non cheer moms" cheer mom club! :D Who's in???

Only if we can get SPAAAAAAARKLY shirts and Uggs. The shirts have to say "I'm not one of those Moms...I swear..."
@Mclovin nailed it on the head. I am who I am and I love it, and she loves it. That is all that matters.

I am at every practice, every class, always have been and always will be. I dress in Rays gear most days like a walking billboard for the gym. I mix music, read the boards, keep up with rules and talk shop with the coaches. ALL of my friends are cheer friends. It is who I am, and I'm proud of it. Don't like it? Too bad!


I sure have a lot of shirts to wear next season! I gotta rock my Cephalopods shirt, designed by @Num1Stunta , I have to wear my "Not one of those moms" shirt, and I'm sure we've had others I can't think of right now... I gotta bling out my flask so I can share the vodka. Jeez, I'd better get to work making all these goodies. :eek:
I don't think anyone on here is telling her not to cheer for her kid, not to be excited, not to be supportive...KEEP DOING YOU MOM!!! I watch all practices...well every once in a while might sneak off with some other moms to grab a bite to eat..but for the most part ALWAYS there. If you can't cheer and be excited for your own kid, then that is just sad. Stay away from the other drama mommas and don't worry about them. There will always be stereotypes!! You think us mom's have it bad, trying being the cheerleader having to deal with their stereotypes of being a cheerleader. That's a whole other thread!!!!

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