Mamarazzi Ultimate Grand Supreme '12 Cheer Parent Mar 16, 2011 5,591 21,171 Jul 10, 2011 #50 I'm so sorry to hear this. May God provide Mike's families and friends comfort and peace. Praying for all.
I'm so sorry to hear this. May God provide Mike's families and friends comfort and peace. Praying for all.
mommadonna Cheer Parent Nov 13, 2010 2,131 5,266 Jul 10, 2011 #51 So sorry to hear it. Sending prayers for friends and loved ones left behind to deal with this terrible loss.
So sorry to hear it. Sending prayers for friends and loved ones left behind to deal with this terrible loss.
lilmonstermaker Cheer Parent Jun 19, 2011 311 361 Jul 10, 2011 #52 How sad. Sending prayers from Michigan to everyone who loved Mike.
xo sarah Mar 23, 2010 2,509 3,399 Jul 10, 2011 #53 Sad to hear about this. Prayers from Ohio for everyone affected by this.
coachFIERCE Dec 14, 2010 523 1,283 Jul 11, 2011 #54 Sending all my love and well wishes to Mike's friends and family. What a terrible loss.
cheer8 Mar 17, 2010 753 324 Jul 11, 2011 #55 Prayers to the family and cheer families from our family at Cheer Infinity... May his memories shine in your hearts!
Prayers to the family and cheer families from our family at Cheer Infinity... May his memories shine in your hearts!
ccchampsbridget Apr 4, 2011 206 588 Jul 11, 2011 #58 Prayers from Jersey to his family and friends. <33
Just.Keep.Twisting Apr 9, 2011 184 191 Jul 11, 2011 #60 That's soo sad to hear :( Sending prayers! <3