Hey Fierce_Elite, I have the feeling that I am quite a bit older than you, probably your Mom's age, hmm, so for you young people, I know I am "old as dirt". I am being very kind when I say this... When you quote yourself, and then answer yourself, what you are actually doing is arguing and/or having a conversation with yourself...I break it down more-
Picture it this way, If you see someone walking down the street in a real fight with themselves, What is your immediately reaction? Yes, cross the street and get as far away from this person. That is what you are doing when you are replying to your own postings.
PS: It is alright to sit back, read and learn from topics without adding anything to the conversation.
Fierce_Elite, in your first post, you said that you did not have much experience with the Big Gym-Small Gym argument, so stop fighting with yourself and just learn from those around you and then form your own opinion. Just Sayin'