Hey yall. So I’m decently new to coaching, I was an all star cheerleader for 10 years, and I recently joined staff at a gymnastics gym to help out with their tumbling classes and they want me to help facilitate and create their first minis cheer rec class. As these girls are not on an all star team I am wondering if anyone has any fun ideas for conditioning and class set up I have some general outlines but I want to get the input of anyone who has coached a rec mini class as opposed to a mini allstar team. I imagine I wouldn’t need to put as much focus on motions since they wont be doing choreography unless I could do choreography over the sessions and then maybe by the end of January do a little showcase for their parents? Thoughts? Also these girls would most likely be coming in with no cheer experience at all so any ideas on where to start I am open to hearing!
Thank you in advance for any and all recommendations!
Thank you in advance for any and all recommendations!