All-Star Rudeness At Awards!

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My team tends to NOT win. :( We do well, but usually end up 2nd-3rd. Last year, we won a couple of competitions, and I think the surprise at the announcement of 2nd place NOT being them...well, they couldn't always control their excitement.

I completely understand and agree with what you're saying and as a coach I try hard to teach and remind my girls in the event this happens, to be applaud and congratulate the other team and wait for their name to be called before shrieking! However, I think they get caught up and tend to forget...but please don't assume that as a coach I have not discussed this with my team multiple times.

This is my point the teams that places second deserves the time to celebrate I just think it takes away from them if the first place teams celebrates before they are called as first place.Second place is a great accomplishment and it deserves celebrating too, that's all.
i love my gym so much, but at awards, when one of our teams wins, the entire gym busts out and chants CNY! CNY! and i think its quite obnoxious, and it makes the people who lost to us feel like they got a slap in the face.
we don't do it to be obnoxious, were just being supportive of all the other teams in our gym. other gyms do the exact same thing, i don't take offense to it. its not bad sportsmanship and when we lose we always stand up and congratulate the team that won :)
I've read all these posts and most of you are saying that "the 2nd place team deserves to celebrate" and stuff like that. But, honestly how many times when you get second are you actually happy that you got it? I understand that you all want the first place team to be respectful but half the time the 2nd place team isn't even happy they got 2nd, do you see what I mean? But, yes there are times when teams are happy they placed 2nd don't get me wrong. I personally could care less when the 2nd place team is called and the first place team is cheering. I mean, you just won a competition, I would be jumping up and down too.. Honestly, there is no harm in cheering because you won just for the sake of letting the 2nd place team have their moment when half the time they are all upset any way..
Sometimes it can be hard to control yourself when you know how hard you have worked to get that first place; all those extra practices, coaches yell, teammates getting upset with each other, it can be really tough. I know when my team won BATC we went crazy, we didn't stop until we got off the floor and the reason why is because until BATC we have won 1st twice and came in 2nd twice and those 2nd place finishes should have been 1st but we always had some little mistake that held us back from the title, but before the mc announced the winner we went over and wished the other team good luck.
I've read all these posts and most of you are saying that "the 2nd place team deserves to celebrate" and stuff like that. But, honestly how many times when you get second are you actually happy that you got it? I understand that you all want the first place team to be respectful but half the time the 2nd place team isn't even happy they got 2nd, do you see what I mean? But, yes there are times when teams are happy they placed 2nd don't get me wrong. I personally could care less when the 2nd place team is called and the first place team is cheering. I mean, you just won a competition, I would be jumping up and down too.. Honestly, there is no harm in cheering because you won just for the sake of letting the 2nd place team have their moment when half the time they are all upset any way..

My daughter cheers on a team that generally wins 1st place,which means her team was not particularly excited at NCA Nationals when they were announced as the 2nd place team. The other team had a handful of girls who taunted them because they had unseated the defending champion, etc. I totally understand that those girls were excited for their win; however, rudeness is never to be accepted. I made my clearly upset daughter find members of that particular team and had her congratulate them on their success. I felt it necessary for her to do this, because in our home (and I strongly believe in our gym) we teach our children to show good sportsmanship in all situations.

In addition, in response to your quote, "honestly how many times when you get second are you actually happy that you got it?" My husband and I met a lady during that same weekend at awards whose team was awarded after our daughter's team who was ecstatic that her child's team won 5th place. She said that their particular gym just wanted to be in the top 8. So, for that particular program, a 2nd place win would have been quite exciting. I really don't think any of us can legitimately qualify another individual's level of happiness for the placement of their team at awards; therefore, out of courtesy, IMHO, it is just best to allow every team the option to enjoy their moment, whether it be a good moment or bad.
I think we have been at the same competitions! LOL It's even better when you are there for multiple awards ceremonies so you get to hear the story several times. ;)

As for the celebrating, I can cut the kids some slack. It's the parents that need to control themselves. Politely clap when second place is announced, but actually wait for your team's name before you go crazy.

I think us three have been to waayyy to many SC comps, huh?;)
I've read all these posts and most of you are saying that "the 2nd place team deserves to celebrate" and stuff like that. But, honestly how many times when you get second are you actually happy that you got it? I understand that you all want the first place team to be respectful but half the time the 2nd place team isn't even happy they got 2nd, do you see what I mean? But, yes there are times when teams are happy they placed 2nd don't get me wrong. I personally could care less when the 2nd place team is called and the first place team is cheering. I mean, you just won a competition, I would be jumping up and down too.. Honestly, there is no harm in cheering because you won just for the sake of letting the 2nd place team have their moment when half the time they are all upset any way..

There were times when getting 2nd, 3rd, or 4th gave me the greatest feeling ever. I'm sure other people have been in the same boat. I've also had moments when I've heard the second place team get called and knew my team ended up in 1st and I've been absolutely ecstatic but I managed to not start screaming and throwing myself around. I don't care if you start to hug while sitting down or fidget or fuss or cry when that second place team is called, but it's just too much when people start to make a huge gigantic show out of it before they even hear their name.
I have always felt that simply announcing scores when they are available, like nearly every sport/competition I can think of, would be much better for the athletes. That would allow everyone time to be calm, cool, and collected by the awards. That would also give the coaches time to review their scoresheets for errors before the actual awards.

There would still be drama, as results would hinge on every score announcement. The teams that are not happy with their placement can gather themselves in time to be under the gauntlet of public scrutiny that comes with awards. You would also, I believe, see more congratulations and signs of mutual respect between teams.
they should announce 1st before 2nd!
3rd, 1st. and then who ever gets seconds will know if there name wasnt announced.
BTW, it is still one of my biggest pet peeves when people publicly criticize children and essentially judge their character by putting those few seconds of incredible happiness/disappointment under a microscope.
Thats what battle at the capitol does. love their awards.
oooo :) never been to that comp! :)
yeah that way is better!

because honestly i would be the one jumping up and down yelling all happy!

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