I think her post made it quite clear how it forces them. Because we, as parents, have spent THOUSANDS of dollars by the time those kids are ready to go to Worlds. If a kid is 18 and it's their last chance (unless they go on an international team which, as shocking as this may be to some people, isn't always possible) I would guess they do feel "forced" to stay. I think a parent has every right to DEMAND an appeals process for something that they right now have no say in.
I think a lot of times everyone forgets - WE ARE THE ONES FUNDING ALL OF THIS.
ALL. OF. IT. My gym may choose the competitions we attend, but I pay the comp fees and the spectator fees. I pay for the uniform. I pay the tuition. I pay coaches fees, music fees, choreography fees, this fee, that fee, whatever fee. I pay for all of it. So while you tell
Mamarazzi it's all about power, in my mind you're gosh darned right it is. And I think as parents WE should be the ones with the power. We are the ones with the money, so WHY ON EARTH would you sit here and say we shouldn't have any rights to appeal a decision that could cost us EVERYTHING we've spent over the years???
Hypothetical: If I pay for my child to cheer for 8 years - cheer, privates, comps, uniforms, etc. ...my God you're talking an astronomical amount of money (not to mention time, blood, sweat, tears, etc.) that we've put into it. Then the gym - who I've given the better part of my income and my life to for 8 years - hires a pedophile in November. (And don't even TRY to tell me that coaches aren't hired year round) In December it all blows up and he is arrested - but he is an amazing coach, so he stays (and of course he is pleading innocence and that the cp "made it up"). Say the gym owner NEEDS my cp on their Worlds team - say she's point flyer. Well, as a mom I say no way do I want her around creepy pedophile guy. The gym owner says "I'm not signing any waiver - I need her on my Worlds team. No way are you taking her skills somewhere else."
You're going to sit here with a straight face and tell me that I shouldn't be able to fight that????? That the gym owner should hold all rights to MY CHILD????? No ever-loving way. My money says different. So yes, I think it is about power - I just think the people with the money should be the people with the power. And the way things are right now the people with the money are the PARENTS.