All-Star Seating Vent

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I have actually told my kids (I'm a team mom) to let the parents of the team we are watching, in front of them. Yes the kids get excited and want to support as many of their gymmates as they can, but the parents of that team should be up front and center.
Me too I will tell girls to move so that moms on the team get to see their kids especially the new moms who look scared to say anything to these CPs. I have only had one CP give me a hard time she said she was going to see her assigned cheerleader. I told her that is great but these moms want to see their cheerleaders and they gave birth to them and spend all their money and time on them so let them get a seat - she then got it. I don't think she was trying to be rude just too excited to think of others.
Maybe I'm alone here but my mom never went in priority when I competed. She liked getting the whole picture of how the routine was going and she couldn't get that so close. She also hating the madness, frustration and running that went along with it. She always stood in the back and met me right off stage.
I refuse to go to the priority area when my cp is performing because the first time I did at Worlds she dropped her stunt during semis :(. Now I watch from afar. These cheerleaders' superstitions are rubbing off on me :rolleyes:
I do not go to the Priority Seating either. That place is a mad house and taping is not good because of all the background noise.

My daughter has told me I do not want to see you when I perform. So I obey I would hate to be the reason that focus was lost. It happens in practice so I am sure it would happen in a competition. I did not realize there was something to it other than a hormonal teen.
It's a nightmare trying to see our teams. It get's worse every season. I don't want to sound ungrateful for the support but...... LOL I do not have any problems politely excusing myself through masses of kids who clearly do not cheer for us. I also know parents who stand back and watch from a distance. I've tried it before. It's not the same to me. I love being in the thick of the crowd. I love the whole gym celebrating and cheering for the kids when they hit certain sections of their routine. There's just nothing like watching YE, JE, SE or Coed from the parent area.

Having said that I hate places that want the VIP section to sit in seats. I can't watch cheerleading sitting down. (And I do know it's so the judges can see)
It's a nightmare trying to see our teams. It get's worse every season. I don't want to sound ungrateful for the support but...... LOL I do not have any problems politely excusing myself through masses of kids who clearly do not cheer for us. I also know parents who stand back and watch from a distance. I've tried it before. It's not the same to me. I love being in the thick of the crowd. I love the whole gym celebrating and cheering for the kids when they hit certain sections of their routine. There's just nothing like watching YE, JE, SE or Coed from the parent area.

Having said that I hate places that want the VIP section to sit in seats. I can't watch cheerleading sitting down. (And I do know it's so the judges can see)

I remember when we used to go cheer for each other's cp's because we needed the support!! That was a long time ago!


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Whenever I go to VIP seating to watch another team I always leave seats open up front for all the moms who have a cheerleader on that team that is performing. I go to the second or third row and if there's nothing open there, I will generally sit on the ground in front of the first row of chairs or kneel in the center by the moms who like to record or the dads who like to take pictures although with my recent knee issues, I generally prefer to sit in front of the first row of chairs.
Hmmm. Remember that stuff the janitor would pour on the floor when someone hurled? I'm thinking a little watery oatmeal and a stash of that stuff and maybe you could clear an area claiming a HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS stomach virus and a periodic heaving sound adminstered at opportune times.

I don't sit with my gym because I don't like territorial seating. I am a Lone Ranger.

Okay this reminds me of this...
Well several things, our gym requires us to be their for everyone of our teams and they request we sit with each other. If it's a local comp yes you will be there for 10 hours. So because we have level ones we usually have to be their at opening of the doors and because of level 5s we have to be their till closing, we usually always fill up multiple sections. I think this is awesome. I feel we are louder and have a better fan base for our girls because we have chants before and after they go on that we do.
(On away comps she will let us leave on Sunday after your teams awards, but if it's an away comp 2 day on day one you will be there the whole day) Which recently at NCA Lonestar classic which was a very large comp with all those large gyms we still had seats for all of our people. Except since the comp was a late one on Sunday out of town she let people go home after awards and although my kid isn't level 5 we stayed till the end because I wanted to support all our teams which is why when our level 5 won I got embarrassed because I thought I was the only one screaming... Oops

Since most parents get their on time like they're suppose to we don't have a saving problem. Yes my kid can be gone for 3 hours but when it's nothing but a million other people around obviously from the same gym no one ever asks for those empty seats. So I have not know this to be an issue for pretty much any of us, and we go to large comps.

As far as priority seating most comps we go to don't have it. We go to mostly varsity comps.

At old gym we went to Jam Brand comps and things of that nature and they always had it. I like priority but half our parents were scared to lose their seats and since I watch all teams we are against I don't have time to be getting out of my seat so I hated it at the same time.

However, some of the things y'all have said about others is ridiculous. Although no one has ever really bothered me for my seats with bags in it I always try to help. Our section at the comp referenced above started dead center and took up like 3 more sections to the side of that. We did have multiple parents whom were sitting past those 3 sections we were sitting in walk up and be like may I use these seats just to get video/pics of my kids. It was so great we met so many new people and I loved it. We had no problem sharing those seats and after their kid performed they thanked us and left!

Completely different then saved seats but people who walk thru my aisle multiple times bother me. Like please stay in your seat, like as y'all know my ankle is broke. I didn't have my foot up on the seat in front of me (just down like normal) but if I have to keep turning to the side every other moment for the same person as you step over my big ole cast/boot it starts getting old because I'm holding my breath thinking you are going to step on or fall on my broke a$$ ankle and it gets old like can you please sit down!!!
For those who gyms want the gym to sit together, is this a specific rule? I just don't understand why this is necessary. We sit wherever we want (although most from our gym sit together by choice), and then meet the squad mom's at the assigned location to drop off our kids. I prefer to sit away from the gym. It may sound snotty, but I am not there to make friends. I am there because my daughter wants to cheer.
For those who gyms want the gym to sit together, is this a specific rule? I just don't understand why this is necessary. We sit wherever we want (although most from our gym sit together by choice), and then meet the squad mom's at the assigned location to drop off our kids. I prefer to sit away from the gym. It may sound snotty, but I am not there to make friends. I am there because my daughter wants to cheer.

Well, CP likes to hang with her teammates. We travel together, stay in the same hotels, same floors, I would rather get along with my fellow parents to athletes and let CP enjoy this thing she is a part of and have buds to swim in the pool with, be included in the impromptu lunch dates, etc., the quick knock on our door of we're all going down now, want to come when traveling and we are encouraged to sit together and make sure to welcome any new to gym folks to sit with the rest of us. In these days of technology, we may all be sitting in the same section, but you see a ton of digital screens lit up. You can sit somewhere else, but we kind of pride ourselves on our ability to get along and support each family peacefully. CP sure wants to be sitting with her teammates, too. It is nice to be able to know the other athletes' moms and dad and exchange hellos and how are yous, then pick my ipad back up and click the "what's new" button on FierceBoard or play another round of Candy Crush.

As for priority, I would be the mom on the floor in front holding my iphone with the record button on.
Completely different then saved seats but people who walk thru my aisle multiple times bother me.

I was at one comp last year sitting at the end of the first row of a stadium seating mid-level. Athletes, little kids, and other teenagers insisted on cutting through our row - making myself and my daughter stand up each time to let them through to get to the other aisle - they weren't even sitting down. Thing was - as close as three rows behind us were plenty of rows with no one sitting they could have used. I finally mumbled something to someone coming thru aand the girl shot me a dirty look - but she did not know she was the 25th person to do this to us.
I feel like most of the issue is not necessarily the seats themselves but more the fact that some people are just rude and have no common courtesy for those around them.

I just wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy...
It may sound snotty, but I am not there to make friends. I am there because my daughter wants to cheer.

It's not required that we sit together, but like someone else said, CP wants to be with her team, and I'd rather sit with her because that way I know where she is. Not when they are at warmups/competing, but the lag time between that and awards, or watching other teams. Because my CP loves cheer she wants desperately to be at the comps ALL DAY. lol. I also have become friends with a lot of the other moms because.. Well.. Like my other friends outside cheer, I relate to them because we have common interests. (Our kids, who cheer..) I spend a minimum of 7 weekends a season with them, my kid goes to their houses (and they come to mine.. I just had 11 junior 2 kids at my house Friday for a sleepover) for team bonding or the kids swim at the hotels or whatever..

I can't imagine not knowing anyone, or sitting alone. This is such a supportive community of people and I absolutely take advantage of it.. Highs and lows!
It's not required that we sit together, but like someone else said, CP wants to be with her team, and I'd rather sit with her because that way I know where she is. Not when they are at warmups/competing, but the lag time between that and awards, or watching other teams. Because my CP loves cheer she wants desperately to be at the comps ALL DAY. lol. I also have become friends with a lot of the other moms because.. Well.. Like my other friends outside cheer, I relate to them because we have common interests. (Our kids, who cheer..) I spend a minimum of 7 weekends a season with them, my kid goes to their houses (and they come to mine.. I just had 11 junior 2 kids at my house Friday for a sleepover) for team bonding or the kids swim at the hotels or whatever..

I can't imagine not knowing anyone, or sitting alone. This is such a supportive community of people and I absolutely take advantage of it.. Highs and lows!
This is our 4th gym (we are not gym hoppers I swear) and because of that I've made less effort to become part of the inner (or even outer) circle of parents. Cp has made plenty of friends, goes to sleepovers, has teammates at our house, etc but I am not going out of my way to make any new friends at this point. I will always be nice but as far as sitting with everyone during a comp, I'd rather find my own space and watch the other teams in our division. I may go down to VIP section with everyone but part ways after. Fortunately there are some people from our last gym at our current gym, as well as some new faces this season from our first gym, so I'm never completely friendless! But the reality is we do not live right near the gym as many do, cp does not go to school with any of her teammates, and there's too much mama drama sometimes for me to even want to make the effort.

I wanted to add that cp is 13 and pretty much spends her entire time with her teammates at the comp so it really doesn't matter where I am sitting or with whom to her. She just needs to know where to find me when she needs me!

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I've gone in priority seating earmy before as well, although it was one team before ours and I made sure I sat out of the way. I let the performing team's fans have all the good seats. However, once their routine was over I was bob'n and weav'n to get a good seat. I kept the elbows to a minimum.

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