I've had people argue with the video before...including the mom that got into a fight with school officials in front of a camera. "That ain't me."
Really? Who else is wearing leather pants 14 sizes too small and a big gold hat that looks exactly like you and the outfit you're wearing right now?
And to the comment about "interrogating innocent kids" first (really not being negative to the OP but I get this a lot so it struck a chord), it's the best example of how society has shifted against schools/teachers etc. When I was growing up kids said "please don't call mom!" And parents first reaction to a phone call home was "Susie! What did you do?!" Now, it's teachers against the world. Kids lead with "go ahead! Call my momma! You'll see!" And even in the face of hard video evidence parents assume their kid is 100% in the right first and the evil school staff is out to get them. Were on defense with flack jackets first. I can't tell you the number of times I've been screamed at, cussed out, threatened (to the point of having my resource officer stalk my office in case it got physical...which it has occasionally) because SM refused to believe her child could EVER do anything wrong. Teachers have little respect from kids because their parents (and society as a whole) generally believe were incompetent, wrong and/or malicious first and their precious perfect child could never ever be anything but precious and perfect.
As to the kids who aren't involved...In thoroughly trying ensure we have the whole story on a situation we frequently have to talk to kids on the fringe who may have useful information to help us resolve the issue and/or keep the school safe. It's not unlike a cop asking a witness what they saw when those cars wrecked. How is that not okay? I'm not sure why I'm such an ogre that it's not okay for me to ask Janie what she knows about the situation with Susie and Sally. Especially if she's not involved or only involved tangently. But one thing is certain, if I had to contact every Janie parent, ask permission to speak to their child and set an appointment and wait for mom and dad to be present before I could ask them one question....I would never resolve any issue in the school with any kind of speed to ensure it stays as safe as I can make it.
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