- Apr 3, 2011
- 5,936
- 12,768
Omg I'm about to sound crazy...I cannot believe I'm writing this on the internet!!! Please forgive me.
Well I wasn't a bad kid but in 8th grade I must of made a few (a lot) of terrible choices.
I had done something that I shouldn't have but it was not on school property.
A few days later some girl who had the same name as me who was in my homeroom (sorry Kristen) was upset because apparently she had been asked about it. She went and told the principal what I did. The principal didn't like me already because that wasn't my first visit to her office :/ (I had been in a few fights) the principal called me from gym class one day and confronted me. She said I heard that you done this. My response was I did and it didn't happen here. She said well if my daughter had done this I would want to know so now your mom is going to know. I questioned her how can I get into trouble for something I didn't do at school and she didn't answer but just restated that she would call my mom. So I begged her not to and asked if maybe I could tell her because I thought the commendable thing to do would be to go home and tell my mom what I had done and that she would like it more hearing it from me versus the principal. Well I told my mom after school and my mom kicked me out the second I told her... Like seriously I had to get my stuff and leave. So I went to live with my dad. The next day the principal called me to the office and I told her what happened and she said good now I don't have to call your mom.
I would get talked about at school (not because of what I did) and I didn't go tell on the hundreds of others who always picked on me. I just dealt with it. The only thing anyone ever said bad about me was about my lazy eye which I was use to being constantly talked about since my eye has been lazy it's whole life despite having surgeries that never fixed it!! Like why could my left eye not be straight!!
Then things started spiraling out of control I was mad at my mom for not allowing me to stay at the house and for kicking me out. I was mad that my dad didn't care. I was miserable so I started doing dumb stuff. I got suspended for kicking the chair out from under someone. I got suspended for sexual harassment because a teacher heard a comment I made to someone (not what y'all think it is). Suspended for fighting again... I was still mad at the one girl for telling the principal since the principal was going to tell on me so I told the girl I would kill her because she made my life miserable (I was kidding my life was a hell hole before I got kicked out). OMG STUPID STUPID STUPIDEST thing I ever said. I was removed from school about 5 mins after the girl told on me. They had counselors on wheels brought in to talk to me within 30 mins? I guess the school ones weren't capable of this. They required me to see like 5 different therapists whom all said nothing was wrong with me and they thought I just needed someone to talk to because apparently I opened up and talked a lot to all of them. I'm sure that's no surprise to any of you but I'm sure that was the easiest talk they ever had to have with a kid. It was as simple as don't talk about my eye or make fun of me and I will like you. My eye caused me so much grief growing up. Even in elementary school kids would be like what's wrong with your eye? Who are you looking at because I can't tell. That stuff started to really get under my skin but no one ever told me that it was ok. That other people have things they aren't ok with to. Every fight I was in but one was all a result of me having a lazy eye... In 9th grade I stopped hating everyone else and hated myself it was much easier this way. I wanted to die every single day.
It took years after highschool for me and a crazy insane relationship that just about killed me (I shared this before) to realize that I'm so much better then that. That for every 1 thing that someone else says about me that makes me feel worthless that there are 20 more things that make me priceless.
I said all that for 2 reason..
1 is because of this current conversation I just realized I don't think the principal was just going to tell my mom, I think she was trying to make me think I had to. I should of never admitted to it!! I'm so dumb!! But thank god this app wasn't around them if someone made a comment about my eye and other people were anonymously posting about I would be a hot mess. People were bad enough in real life I didn't need anyone to hide behind fake names and make it worse :(
2 is I wrote that for the people that are on the app that either done things they aren't proud of that is now no longer a secret. Things that were posted that were made up to hurt them and that aren't even true. For people that can't take the bullying anymore and even once thought that they want to end it. Please don't! This app is terrible and I'm happy for all the gyms stepping up and just getting it removed from their kids I have a feeling it may have saved someone's life. People can get their feelings hurt over anything you don't want to be that person that causes them to hit their breaking point. Please think before you post on any website social media is no joke. Oh and let's not take any nudes it would be much better that way because you would never have to wonder if it will fall into the wrong hands.
If anyone wants to talk ever I'm not the smartest person and I don't know everything but I would love to talk to anyone that may need a friend or just someone who you can talk to that won't judge you!
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Well I wasn't a bad kid but in 8th grade I must of made a few (a lot) of terrible choices.
I had done something that I shouldn't have but it was not on school property.
A few days later some girl who had the same name as me who was in my homeroom (sorry Kristen) was upset because apparently she had been asked about it. She went and told the principal what I did. The principal didn't like me already because that wasn't my first visit to her office :/ (I had been in a few fights) the principal called me from gym class one day and confronted me. She said I heard that you done this. My response was I did and it didn't happen here. She said well if my daughter had done this I would want to know so now your mom is going to know. I questioned her how can I get into trouble for something I didn't do at school and she didn't answer but just restated that she would call my mom. So I begged her not to and asked if maybe I could tell her because I thought the commendable thing to do would be to go home and tell my mom what I had done and that she would like it more hearing it from me versus the principal. Well I told my mom after school and my mom kicked me out the second I told her... Like seriously I had to get my stuff and leave. So I went to live with my dad. The next day the principal called me to the office and I told her what happened and she said good now I don't have to call your mom.
I would get talked about at school (not because of what I did) and I didn't go tell on the hundreds of others who always picked on me. I just dealt with it. The only thing anyone ever said bad about me was about my lazy eye which I was use to being constantly talked about since my eye has been lazy it's whole life despite having surgeries that never fixed it!! Like why could my left eye not be straight!!
Then things started spiraling out of control I was mad at my mom for not allowing me to stay at the house and for kicking me out. I was mad that my dad didn't care. I was miserable so I started doing dumb stuff. I got suspended for kicking the chair out from under someone. I got suspended for sexual harassment because a teacher heard a comment I made to someone (not what y'all think it is). Suspended for fighting again... I was still mad at the one girl for telling the principal since the principal was going to tell on me so I told the girl I would kill her because she made my life miserable (I was kidding my life was a hell hole before I got kicked out). OMG STUPID STUPID STUPIDEST thing I ever said. I was removed from school about 5 mins after the girl told on me. They had counselors on wheels brought in to talk to me within 30 mins? I guess the school ones weren't capable of this. They required me to see like 5 different therapists whom all said nothing was wrong with me and they thought I just needed someone to talk to because apparently I opened up and talked a lot to all of them. I'm sure that's no surprise to any of you but I'm sure that was the easiest talk they ever had to have with a kid. It was as simple as don't talk about my eye or make fun of me and I will like you. My eye caused me so much grief growing up. Even in elementary school kids would be like what's wrong with your eye? Who are you looking at because I can't tell. That stuff started to really get under my skin but no one ever told me that it was ok. That other people have things they aren't ok with to. Every fight I was in but one was all a result of me having a lazy eye... In 9th grade I stopped hating everyone else and hated myself it was much easier this way. I wanted to die every single day.
It took years after highschool for me and a crazy insane relationship that just about killed me (I shared this before) to realize that I'm so much better then that. That for every 1 thing that someone else says about me that makes me feel worthless that there are 20 more things that make me priceless.
I said all that for 2 reason..
1 is because of this current conversation I just realized I don't think the principal was just going to tell my mom, I think she was trying to make me think I had to. I should of never admitted to it!! I'm so dumb!! But thank god this app wasn't around them if someone made a comment about my eye and other people were anonymously posting about I would be a hot mess. People were bad enough in real life I didn't need anyone to hide behind fake names and make it worse :(
2 is I wrote that for the people that are on the app that either done things they aren't proud of that is now no longer a secret. Things that were posted that were made up to hurt them and that aren't even true. For people that can't take the bullying anymore and even once thought that they want to end it. Please don't! This app is terrible and I'm happy for all the gyms stepping up and just getting it removed from their kids I have a feeling it may have saved someone's life. People can get their feelings hurt over anything you don't want to be that person that causes them to hit their breaking point. Please think before you post on any website social media is no joke. Oh and let's not take any nudes it would be much better that way because you would never have to wonder if it will fall into the wrong hands.
If anyone wants to talk ever I'm not the smartest person and I don't know everything but I would love to talk to anyone that may need a friend or just someone who you can talk to that won't judge you!
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