I'm going to have to take the unpopular position here. It's gotten to the point where a kid can't be b*chy like a normal teenager without being labeled a "bully"? Common sense needs to start to prevail. Could it be that half the tween kids are failing at living on their own and establishing a productive life because Mommy and/or Daddy stepped in to fight all their battles for them?
How will these kids EVER learn to cope with any of life's REAL challenges if they aren't allowed to learn to cope with the angst of petty teenage behavior?
Yes, some bullying behaviors need to be addressed when they are extensive and/or physcially threatening. But for Pete's sake, when a kid says "I hate Joey" or "Suzy is ugly" or "I hate cheer" or "I hate my gym" that's a symptom of bullying? I shudder to think what terrible bullies my kids must have been because every one of them said "I hate you MOM" at least once. Unfortunately, nobody told me that was grounds to kick them out of the house.
Cliques are a representation of our evolution as humans and the pack mentality. Blasting it across the media isn't going to change that. I'd speculate that a lot of kids are b*tches because the parents are. Pack mentality. The strongest survive and they breed stronger offspring. In situations like this maybe we should start by dealing with the parents, not the kids.