IF the team isn't as close (and since I don't know the situation fully and this comment is based off of things posted here etc) and to reiterate in bold caps so nobody will *hopefully* misunderstand me, IF IF IF the team isn't as close as previous years, that could very well subconsciously affect the other skills. Think about it- when you're at the top of your game with a well-gelled team, even if you hit a rough patch here and there, you can stick it out well-because you know 110% of your team is behind you to lift you back up. YOU KNOW the extent of your skills and your chances. But coming back after 3 consecutive wins and finally a loss to a team with a HUGE fanbase/popularity, that's a hard dig. It's REALLY hard to catch a repeat win, it's even HARDER to claw your way back up after a loss. Since so much of cheerleading is based off of trust and athletic seamlessness, the team unit is a HUGE deal. Even if they're not 'fighting each other with spiked bats', that constant uncertainty could very well be what's tripping them up. Do I doubt stars' skills? Absolutely not. Even if they had 1/3 of the skills they had previously, they'd be one heck of a team. But don't underestimate that little negative nancy in your ear when you're fighting your way back up-she can be a killer. I've been on teams with AWESOME skill, but we had sour grapes and it completly killed our chances. No matter WHAT sport it is.