sorry if this isn't in the right forum or this question has already been answered, but I need some advice really badly. I feel really stuck right now and don't know what to do.
I have been cheering competitively for 7 years now and for the last two months I have started to hate Allstar cheer. Its not the fault of my coaches or teammates, but I've lost the drive and passion for the sport and can't find the motivation at practice to try. I don't think this is a phase or just a hard part of the year either. theres been major changes within my gym moving the focus from having fun to doing whatever it takes to win. while this is the mentality of some, for me it is just an extracurricular activity to do and if Its not fun then why do it? its also a very large time commitment, I'm always having to miss activities because cheer is taking up the majority of my time. combined with school cheer, that has after school practices every day, its a lot of cheer. it also doesn't allow me time to get my studies done, and my grades are slipping. for junior year being as important as it is, thats not good. Its also deteriorating me mentally... I have very bad anxiety all day before practice and sometimes feel like throwing up because of how stressed I am. I have come home from practices crying because of how hard it is and that I have to try super hard even though I don't have the heart. I know that all of these problems will only get worse as we enter the competition season. its making me begin to hate cheer. the only problem is that I realized this after I tried out, and our first show off is in a month, and the first competition is in two. I feel like i'd be letting my whole team down by quitting because they would have to rush to find me a replacement, and I feel like the team and coaches would hate me. but my worst fear is turning into one of those girls that gives up mid year and having to be dealt with for the rest of the season. I feel like it would be better for my team to struggle a little at the beginning of regionals season trying to find a replacement rather than me stay and they struggle the entire year because I struggle. Any and all advice welcome because I really am not sure what to do.