All-Star Should They Be Going To World's?

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Cheersport scores are also subjective to the division that you're in. You might score higher than some teams but your judges may have just been scoring high. You can't compare different divisions to each other.
I agree and cheersport sometimes doesn't even designate a true champion if there are 2 groups
Cheersport scores are also subjective to the division that you're in. You might score higher than some teams but your judges may have just been scoring high. You can't compare different divisions to each other.
Then that only compounds the problem.
There have been several really good ideas posted in the last month. But I think that the eventual consensus each time was that as long as USASF continues to make a profit on every team that participates, bids will never be limited.

How about a pre-Worlds event on a different weekend, where everyone with an At Large bid has to compete to qualify for Finals? USASF can rake in the cash on two weekends, and it might discourage teams from taking a bid "just for the experience".

I am only half-joking about this.
and PROFIT is a bad thing right? Thank God that there is profit in this business or WORLDS would not be possible.
and PROFIT is a bad thing right? Thank God that there is profit in this business or WORLDS would not be possible.
Obviously. But most businesses carefully balance the laws of diminishing returns. Here, more and more can be too much and there is a line that can be crossed. I think it became profitable with many less teams than attend now.
Here's my other thought... are level 5 teams really only going to 1 qualifying event all season? Usually NO... so if they don't get their bid presuming it changes and now we are looking at a certain percentage of score, most likely they will try again. If at no point in the season at the number of qualifying events that they attend can this level 5 reach whatever percentage of score that they need, honestly experience or not, they shouldn't be going.
Obviously. But most businesses carefully balance the laws of diminishing returns. Here, more and more can be too much and there is a line that can be crossed. I think it became profitable with many less teams than attend now.
Law of diminishing returns. Oh god I hate economics.
I posted most of this in a different thread but seems appropriate here as well. The idea was discussed about a progression but what I propose is a little different because it still gives usasf and it's counterparts their money, maintains the money for the local EPs and allows gyms to compete at a higher level even if they aren't quite worlds ready.

Perhaps what they need is a regional system of qualification for the final trip to worlds. In other words, for an at large bid, instead of that first day at worlds being at worlds make them regional but still run by usasf (no i cant believe i said that either). You win a bid to the regional qualifier from your local or regional EP, then the top 1-5 ( or whatever number makes sense) teams move on. This would preserve their profit margins allowing them to profit off the full spectrum of teams but keep all but the best from the final competition. It might take some of the pressure off the coaches by creating an intermediate goal that is still worlds oriented. That way all teams that eventually end up at worlds would have had to beat higher quality teams to get there. It would reduce travel costs for parents and a reasonable entry fee to the regionals would perhaps even allow them to give out more at large bids since your still going to cut down the total number of teams. Who wants to make that trip all the way to worlds and not even be competitive?

At the end of the day maybe the thrill of Worlds is that it is the only competition that across the board is treated like the best vs the best. It's the only place you can really find out how you rate vs everyone. If you have a teams that rocks you will bring that team to Worlds. No other competition will draw the best from all over the country. So every other competition leaves even the winners with that doubt about who is really the best.

Just a thought..

Dad to CP: " cheer to have fun honey"
CP to Dad: " I will Dad, winning Is lots of fun"

Dad to CP: " cheer to have fun honey"
CP to Dad: " I will Dad, winning Is lots of fun"
why does everything have to always be about the money?:P not just in cheer, but in any business. somewhat joking, but its kinda true!
For better or worse, it does seem like most sports come down to the money. Either spending it or making it. Except maybe curling... Which apparently is more of a sport than cheer but that's a whole different thread.

Dad to CP: " cheer to have fun honey"
CP to Dad: " I will Dad, winning Is lots of fun"
From an athletes perspective

I know that I am in the minority and I don't necessarily think that going for experience is a good thing, but I was one of those kids. My senior year I was on a senior restricted 5 team. We did pretty well all year and in feb ish we decided we would form a small team from those on this team plus a few others from the gym while still keeping the large restricted. I was at the gym at least four times a week plus I did have high school cheer :p (only did it my senior yr thank goodness lol) we worked our butts off and competed at our gyms last competition and got a at large bid to worlds. I know most think it's silly because we probably knew we wouldn't make it to day two but our parents were willing some for experience so the girls could be more prepared to move to diamonds and some like me and two other seniors just to go to worlds. I never in a million years thought I'd ever get to go other than to watch. I really dont care at all what anyone's opinions are on going for experience or whatever else. Getting that bid and competing there is MY ABSOLUTE favorite memory hands down. I wouldn't trade it for anything and I'd also give anything to go back and do it again.

My point is no matter what that month we spent practicing like crazy and actually getting to compete there among so many fantastic teams was so worth it to me. There isn't a day I don't see a picture (I have cheer stuff everywhere even at my dorm) or my tattoo that I got shortly before we made the team and think about how thankful I am of the opportunity. I miss it and cheer in general so much and being able to do that y senior year is something I hold close to my heart. Okay now I'm tearing up lol

Getting off my soap box. Sorry y'all!