I did wonder if Kassidy said 'someone will be moved down' because SHE knew, after discussion with coaches and possibly Tylen that she would take Ty's spot as she was injured, but it hadn't be announced publically.
Like, here's the scenario.
1. Ty gets hurt.
2. Eddie asks Kassidy back/tells her she won't be an alternate, but competing.
3. Eddie tells Ty that as she's hurt, Kassidy will step in.
*At this point they have not made a 'formal' announcement to the rest of Smoed or the wider world.
4. The camera crew ask Kassidy why she's back. She says she's on the team (because it has been decided that she will take Ty's spot whilst she's injured) but because it's not public knowledge, she fudges it a bit and says 'someone will move off', because it's not her place to tell.
I know that on occassion when changes have been made at MY practices, the coaches discuss the change with the relevant athletes BEFORE the full team announcement, out of courtesy. That way, too, the athlete that is being 'moved down' or changed can take time to get their thoughts together and get their 'game face' on before it's announced in front of the team.