I wasn't saying you were crazy...touch defensive? I was trying to draw attention off of you so the people on this board didn't eat you alive, which is where this is headed. Honestly this is NOTHING compared to those of us that are waiting for tryouts with kids with blocks, or coming back from an injury/time off, ect. Even I...one of the more "non crazy" moms has started losing it. We have multiple threads that all read like support groups as one of us loses our mind after another.
There is no such thing as "reality" tv..there hasn't been since the 1st Real World back in 1994. The 1st cast was sent a letter with a key, they had no idea where they were going or who they would live with. Most of the camera footage was done with Big Brother type cameras and piped into a sealed room in the house where the crew watched and edited.
Now Storage Wars plants items, Dance Moms feeds lines, and Cheer Perfection dramas it up for the cameras. Cali, Eddie, and Kassidy are not in the wrong, if you want to direct your anger somewhere more purposeful contact AwesomenessTV, they are the ones that did the final edit.