All-Star So5

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maybe @onetrupairing just wants to be a girl? he wants to fly, he wants to be on a team, but he thinks it should be all-girl, and he ALWAYS complains... why don't you just get a sex change and we'll all be happy?
Wow really!?
I don't think there's any need for such a harsh and disrespectful reply.
maybe @onetrupairing just wants to be a girl? he wants to fly, he wants to be on a team, but he thinks it should be all-girl, and he ALWAYS complains... why don't you just get a sex change and we'll all be happy?

That's incredibly rude and disrespectful and completely unnecessary.
There's a difference between "SO5 is a stepping stone to general level 5 teams" and "SO5 is ridiculous" or "SO5 isnt a real level 5 division"

Idc what youre opinion is, but the way people are saying it *do* offend me. Just because we cant double doesnt mean we dont work just as hard, and I do find it insulting that people are speaking of the entire division as a joke.

It's not a "real" level 5 division. It's an intermediate level 5 division, a stepping stone. That doesn't mean you're not a level 5 athlete and no one's attacking you personally, but it's a stepping stone to "true" level 5. It doesn't belong at Worlds for that reason. That doesn't mean it's not high pressure or a joke or ridiculous. We're strictly talking about the skills allowed in that division.

Yes, many of the biggest gyms have SO5 teams. But they also have senior level 2 teams. That doesn't mean anything. People saying they don't think it should be a division is no different than people thinking 4.2 or level 6 shouldn't be divisions. It's not a personal attack against you or the athletes in that division, it's their opinion for a number of reasons. Some people don't think we need an in between level, that's all. There's no point in getting upset over what people say, you can't take the internet personally. And responding with "but, but Top Gun has a SO5 team, so it MUST be legit" doesn't do anything to argue your point.
I think all gyms are different and people shouldn't be calling SO5 "not a real division"
At my gym it certainly is a real division...with real kids..with real feelings.

Many of the athletes on my SO5 are younger level 5s that can't be on a World team (yet:)
I think it is great for me to be able to watch theese kids compete level 5 skills for a year or 2...and see how they do.
Being on a Senior team and also a level 5 it is a great opportunity to see what kids can advance to the worlds team.
I think small gyms and large gyms have an entirely different set of problems. Small gyms worry about getting enough fulls to get enough points to be competitive. Large gyms have *so* many doubles, that people with fulls don't get put on level 5 because it's not a double. *
IMO, small gyms have the shorter end of the stick. And a legitimate complaint. Seriously.

*This is so true! It was not long ago that I remember all the kids working like crazy to get their fulls so they could be considered for level 5 teams...The bar keeps getting higher and higher to make Worlds teams...this is great for the sport, but is it just me or do you notice there are a lot more kids on the mat with various braces on their legs/ankles. I feel the push to get on these Worlds teams is starting to cause more injuries.
This thread seems like I've read this somewhere before?? lol. I'm in a similar situation as Kingston where I've coached and continue to coach both a "World's" 5 and SO5 div teams. Both are extremely competitive and do well for their div's. There is a clear difference. While there may be kids that have the skills to be on either team there is a clear difference in experience and skill. So many things go into choosing a div. by gym owners and so many other things go into being "competitive". My SO5 teams prepares their season a bit different. We approach ALL our "Big" nationals the same as our "World's" team approaches "WORLDS", (Not saying that our "Worlds" team doesn't approach them aggressively). But a big Win or just being competitive is all we can ever ask. I guess I kinda look at is NCA, CheerSport etc. (whichever "Big" comp your gym may go to) is the equivalent to a SO5 as "Worlds" is to other div's just like level's 1,2 etc. Winning or being competitive at those comps is equally as respected as "Worlds" IMO. And as far as the "large gym/small gym" talk, my curiosity is didn't EVERY gym start out as a "small gym"? If you opened your doors with 300+ kids waiting in line to get in then I need your # ASAP. For every other gym I commend your YEARS of hard work to start with 10 kids and growing to where you are today. My gym is in NO WAY a "Mega" gym but I know gyms like CA started in a park with 10 something kids and now are a "Mega" but didn't get there over night. Hard work pays off, doesn't happen immediately and will have ups and downs. Ok I just realized this is rambling on now, sorry for the extremely long post and good luck to all!!
Didn't Top Gun SO5 change division for a bid competition and end up going to worlds? Or did I just make that up? My brain does that sometimes...

Yeah you pretty much made that up. They don't do that and don't have to.

Top Gun has had an SO5 team for 2 years. The ONLY Worlds level teams at Top Gun are IOC6, IOC5 and Semi-Limited Coed for Cheer, Open HH for Dance. If you are a Level 5 OR near Level 5 athlete and you don't make those teams (dependent upon your age), then the other options currently available to you at Top Gun is SO5, Coed 3 and Senior 2 if you are a senior aged athlete. There are NO level 5 teams Junior and below...YET!

Top Gun doesn't just take skill level into consideration when placing you on a team, especially for their SO5 team. They consider all the factors, including the younger athletes ability to interact with the older athletes on the team. The older athletes are VERY protective of the younger ones. However, this is still a level 5 team, so you need to keep up and keep challenging yourself AND that rule is for everybody on the team regardless of age.

Now back to the original posters question about Worlds. I am of the opinion that SO5 and Junior Level 5 athletes DO NOT belong at Worlds. I think Worlds should be the BEST of the BEST and the pinnacle of one's cheer career.

SO5 is limited in the level 5 skill level they are permitted to compete, so therefore do not belong there as well. In no way do I not think these athletes work any less hard than the other level 5 athletes or ANY LEVEL athlete for that matter. Some athletes just don't have what it takes to progress any further than where they currently are, but that doesn't mean they don't work hard.

Geez, I haven't posted a War and Peace response in a long time. Happy Posting Everyone!
If SO5 is a stepping stone, then there's some level 5 programs that need to step up their game. LOL... I've seen some crazy good SO5 teams this year, including Top Guns who I think are absolutely AMAZING!!

Top gun is in SO5, as is CA Bullets. And Brandon. And WC.
the list goes on XD
Yes, but besides NCA what other competitions are all those teams going to be in one division together? and unless you are going to NCA next weekend are there any competitions where you will actually be competing any of these teams? I would worry more about making sure my team had what it took to dominate So5, so next year it could be an actual worlds team.
Yes, but besides NCA what other competitions are all those teams going to be in one division together? and unless you are going to NCA next weekend are there any competitions where you will actually be competing any of these teams? I would worry more about making sure my team had what it took to dominate So5, so next year it could be an actual worlds team.

SO5 is pretty deep in available competition. I know Top Gun has had competition at every comp they have gone to so far. BUTBT, JamFest Indy, etc.
I've seen SO5's at just about every competition I've been to this year. Some have been terrifying, but most have been pretty good. A few have been down right amazing. (Just like every other division lol)
I think we'll see a bigger separation of skills once the new "Restricted" division is in place. Hopefully that will allow it to become a true stepping stone to S5, and this entire conversation will become moot.
I think that most gyms use SO5 for those kids who are close but not quite daughter is 10...a flyer with a double down....she has 3 jumps to a tuck...and is really close to a full...being on SO5 allows her to compete and improve so when she reaches the age..she can slide right over...2 girls on her team age up next year...they have their fulls and skills so they are good to is a staging team of is also a good place to draw from in the case of injuries and fill ins....I just think it's that simple....IMO

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