While I'm not agains drug testing at events such as Worlds, I question what we are testing for. If we are testing for performance enhancing substances, as with the Olympics and other World Championship events, than I have no problem with random testing and/or testing of athletes on winning teams, just as with other sports, provided it is done by a reputable outside company as with other sporting federations and events.
If however, we are talking about recreational drugs and alcohol, I would argue that the responsibility for this does not fall on the shoulders of the USASF, but instead on the parents and coaches/gym owners instead. Even when the IOC finds athletes with marijuana in their system, there is nothing they can do, as was evidenced back in 1998 with Ross Rebagliati (CDN snowboarder who won gold and tested positive for MJ. As it's not on the banned substance list, he got to keep his medal). And I think it speaks to how our sport can't yet be taken seriously when high level athletes are using major competitions to get drunk and high as soon as possible. I have had teammates show up hungover to competitions on more than one occasion, and nothing made me more upset and mad than travelling for a competition and having teammates not take it seriously. Why would other federations take us seriously when this is a common occurrence. Yes, I realize not all athletes do this, and yes, I understand that this kind of partying can and does happen at other events such as the Olympics, especially after events are finished, but it never really makes the mainstream media in the same way cheer may.
I do wonder how many high level cheerleaders are actually involved in performance enhancing drugs, blood doping, etc. I could see male athletes perhaps being involved with steroids as a possibility, but I am curious how prevalent other doping goes in the sport.