I've grown up not wearing spandex, just soffees for years. Wearing spandex hasn't even been popular for long, so I have like over 50 pairs of soffees that I've accumulated since I stopped growing. I do like to wear spandex under my soffees, but my gym doesn't allow us to wear spandex by itself. You have to have something over it-and personally, I would feel pretty awkward in just spandex. They also don't like for us to wear sports bras by themselves, but if we get over heated they allow us to be in just that.
On another note, Im 5'8 and I can never find spandex that are long enough. Im a medium in soffees, so I know it's not that they're too small. I've even sized up a few sizes to see if it'd be any longer, and no dice. Anyone else with this problem?