Starting Cheer Late X_x

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Feb 3, 2013
Hi guys, Ive always wanted to do cheer but living in england... its harder to get into it because its not as big in america (school dont have squads you have to join elsewhere) ... Im going to start training myself really hard from now until the end of summer when I will try out for one of uk's national squads..but realistically what level in skill do you think I'd be able to reach!? I want to tumble because I am not flexible
Mariqueue Hi, I'm also from England and I started cheer when I was 18 :) What sort of age are you? The benefit of the UK is that the majority of the teams have a significant number of adults, so you're not at a huge disadvantage if you start late (as most people in UK cheer do).
If you let me know whereabouts in the country you're based I can probably let you know the names of some gyms which hold sessions called "open gym", where you can go and train without being on a team.
I started just under a year ago, very inflexible, and now I have both front splits and I'm close to box splits. Even if you don't want to fly you should try to stretch a few times a week (make sure you warm up first!) because flexibility is really useful for tumbling and jumps as well.
If there aren't any teams you can train with nearby then you could try to join a gymnastics class to help with the tumbling, although it's quite difficult to find tumbling-only classes.
And if you can't find anywhere to help you train then plenty of teams will take people who have never cheered before :)
Good luck, it's such a great sport to be a part of, and ask if you have any more questions!
I am based at heathrow (like the airport lol) and my neice is on the marshals squad which was formed with some of the former members of AEC, I was meant to join them last year but I was stresed with college, so I'd like to use this time to build my skills so I can go back at a respectible level at the end of summer :D Im 16 and I use to stretch daily then I stopped because I wasnt going to join the team anymore but now I definitely want to get back into it because its my favourite sport...EVER! wow, I cant believe you have both front splits, I can only pray for the day that I am able to do a scorpion, bow and arrow, and needle! what other skills have you aquired, and what team are you on?
Mariqueue Ha, that's funny, I was also on Marshals at the beginning of the season (Unfortunately had to quit due to personal reasons)!
Depending on how far you want to travel, Talent Central (where AEC train) hold a session where they teach you tumbling right from the basics on a Thursday night.
Heathrow gymnastics also have an adult gym session but you'd have to contact them to find out more about it Adults
Pinewood Gymnastics in Wokingham hold a "Gymnastics for Cheerleaders" session but again I don't know much about it so you'd have to contact them Gymnastics For Cheerleaders « Pinewood Gymnastics Club

To get flexible, I would advise following Gabi Butler's stretching video (after warming up properly)

I don't think you can really practice stunts without being on a team though. You can keep an eye out for camps being run (I know off the top of my head that Talent Central and Allstar Nation run some in London, and Aviator Allstars run them in Leeds).
It may be worth contacting a few teams in your area/the area where you're willing to travel to see if they'll allow you to join now or to train with them. A few I can thing of are Surrey Starlets (Join Starlets) and Carshalton (Untitled Document), although there's probably more that I'm unaware of.
what a coincidence!! and ive heard of talent central, I checked it out online Im definitely going to one of their classes! but thankyou SO much!! I'll certainly look into the others aswell Im so serious about this I really have set myself some very high goals
Hi guys, Ive always wanted to do cheer but living in england... its harder to get into it because its not as big in america (school dont have squads you have to join elsewhere) ... Im going to start training myself really hard from now until the end of summer when I will try out for one of uk's national squads..but realistically what level in skill do you think I'd be able to reach!? I want to tumble because I am not flexible

This is what my dilemma was like, it's hard to find a serious competitive squad, but they are definitely on the increase in the UK. I am in a squad that is based in Bradford (near Leeds) and I started in 2011. I felt like I was quite late starting, but there is no exact age which is 'too old to start' Aslong as you put hardwork, determination and effort into your practices, you should be able to pick up the skills fine. You, just need to have the want and drive to do it!
Hi guys, Ive always wanted to do cheer but living in england... its harder to get into it because its not as big in america (school dont have squads you have to join elsewhere) ... Im going to start training myself really hard from now until the end of summer when I will try out for one of uk's national squads..but realistically what level in skill do you think I'd be able to reach!? I want to tumble because I am not flexible

Its really never to late to start cheering so long as your mentally able! Im 19 and just aged out of my division and left my high school and my college doesn't have and wont let me start a team. I have faith in you! Just make sure you get over any mental blocks quick. Stretch daily! every chance you get and work on your endurance levels, jogging helps build up stamia. Cheerleading all around isnt a cheap sport, save up. After all the hard work you should be good. Here in the US you need a back hand spring running and standing an even a tuck to make some level 3 teams. Just try your best, always smile and youll do fine!
thankyou so much for the inspiration, Ive been working very hard to get my splits and Im going to start at a gym to learn tumbling I was actually meant to go today but my friend bailed on me... :D for when I actually go...I cannot wait!!!
I know it probably sounds so cheesy lol but Ive dreamt of being a competitive cheerleader since primary school but I had no idea that UK even took it seriously till my neice joined a squad late last year, when did you start?
Im not even too sure about when seasons start..but Im going to start tumble classes asap!
Im not even too sure about when seasons start..but Im going to start tumble classes asap!
The season essentially runs in line with the academic year, although competitions don't usualy start until December and are pretty sparse until February. Nationals run from March-July. But because many teams in England are new, a lot will accept new members throughout the year or at mid-season tryouts or similar. Let us know how you get on :)
oh cool! thanks and I definitely shall!!! soon enough.. my picture will be me cheering/ tumbling/ something lol *fingerscrossed*!

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