All-Star Summer Conditioning: Can You Handle The Exercise??

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As for the jumping jacks, my parents, coaches, and I think it's just the angle and the pressure that it puts on my ankles that make it so hard for me.

Instead of doing jumping jacks where you jump your feet out to the sides (which puts lateral pressure on your knees and ankles, which is not the greatest) do the same jumping jack arms but instead do jumping lunges with your legs (front knee bent, but not past your ankle).
Conditioning really should be done in the summer and kids REALLY REALLY REALLY condition during the month or 2 after your season ends before tryouts. Running is the exception. When you lift weights, your body breaks down your muscles to build them back up and if you are making your athlete do push ups for conditioning the whole year then their muscles will not build at a good or healthy rate and it will take slower and your stunts most likely wont hit. i think running is something you should have your athletes do year round but like hardcore conditioning which some teams do all the time should be done in the summer.

"if you are making your athlete do push ups for conditioning the whole year then their muscles will not build at a good or healthy rate and it will take slower"

? My girls do cheer & gymnastics. In gymnastics they do conditioning including push ups all year long. I always thought it helped them. Do you think it has an adverse effect? If so, why do you think they train gymnast this way?
Not rude. Stating facts. once you've been on the board for more than a week you might learn the difference.
i do know the difference, and ive been on the board for over a week i just dont sit in front of my computer all day being rude to people or "stating facts" maybe have some respect and you'd get alot further in life.
"if you are making your athlete do push ups for conditioning the whole year then their muscles will not build at a good or healthy rate and it will take slower"

? My girls do cheer & gymnastics. In gymnastics they do conditioning including push ups all year long. I always thought it helped them. Do you think it has an adverse effect? If so, why do you think they train gymnast this way?

I mean, gymnasts usually dont have to lift people up.
As far as conditioning I don't have a problem with it but I will give you some examples and yes I see kids being lazy quite a bit or who don't want to do the hard part they hate to be able to do the fun part better.

Our gym does like every local HS practices sometime during the week.
There always done by 5 but I'm always early and since I have to be there at 5 but I do see this.

There was several girls from a HS team in the gym. I don't know why the rest of their team wasn't there but only 3 were. This is not really the most talented group of girls on this particular HS team as only 1 girl has a BHS! Now to get to my point one of the coaches was working with the few girls on their BHS and her mom was sitting beside me watching. Well he decided those girls needed to do some conditioning. He had them do a wall sit.. I tell you not even for 15 secs and this mom gets up and says that's it this is ridiculous we are going, where is the owner you are wasting our time ... And she is furious and upset and walks back there saying some more of the same stuff! Her reasoning was her daughter is their and she wants her daughter tumbling not exercise or conditioning to help make her strong enough or to improve her tumbling. The thing is this is a school thing you did not pay for a private to come in and have someone help you with your BHS- you came there for the overall experience and your school requires you too. Cheerleading isn't all roses and warm fuzzy feelings it's hard work and some parents let alone the kids don't understand that!

They don't really condition the mini's at our gym during practice. However our gym does offer free strength & flexibility classes and both of these fall consecutively after mini practice so their is a lot of kids parents just leave them for the extra 2 free hrs because .. Well we all know why. Strength isn't required for anyone and flexibility is required for flyers. As far as strength which is pretty much conditioning the whole time these little girls complain, they say they don't want to be there and don't want to do it and wine the whole time.

Now I'm the only parent who stays the whole 3 hours and I tell my cp she doesn't have to do it but she likes it, and so do like 2 or 3 others.

On her youth team the kids know when practicing that attitudes, issues repeatedly with certain sections, laziness, and sloppiness usually earn them the longer conditioning, more laps and things of that sort. However my 6 yr old for whatever reason thinks it's fun to run outside and so does another girl so when you hear run they are excited which probably doesn't help the situation because it's usually a threat to maybe be a punishment not happy joy runs!!
They do make them condition regardless and I love it though- I feel like it helps them in the long run. My cp started her season with a bunch of 10yr olds and she was coming in last place every time they ran. In about a months time my cp is consistently second or third! The girl who comes in first needs to be a track star!! I didn't realize working at something such as running that so much improvement could be made if you put your mind to it! However, there is a couple kids on the team that are just lazy. Their is 1 girl who has hid behind bushes on several occasions to not have to run consistently or skip laps. The problem isn't only in the athlete but some parents - I overheard the same girls mom tell her daughter to sit and act like she finished. The one girl who was really fast was done. She had lapped the last place bush hiding girl. The bush hiding girl then gets to the top where the other girl had finished and her mom was like "sit down, just sit down and act like your finished!" I was blown away- just because the coaches were other places checking out to make sure everyone was running and ok- but how can you sit up and encourage your daughter to cheat, or give up, or feel like she is better then everyone else and doesn't have to run!!

I think any type of conditioning can always benefit in some way! Just know your probably pissing off a parent or two who doesn't realize the importance in any of it.
Taylor Taryn said:
i do know the difference, and ive been on the board for over a week i just dont sit in front of my computer all day being rude to people or "stating facts" maybe have some respect and you'd get alot further in life.

That's the Socrates of Cheer you are speaking too. Be careful or you will be smited!
Instead of doing jumping jacks where you jump your feet out to the sides (which puts lateral pressure on your knees and ankles, which is not the greatest) do the same jumping jack arms but instead do jumping lunges with your legs (front knee bent, but not past your ankle).
This is a very good idea! thank you for the tip!
i do know the difference, and ive been on the board for over a week i just dont sit in front of my computer all day being rude to people or "stating facts" maybe have some respect and you'd get alot further in life.
It is obvious you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and you are not worthy of my time. So I leave you with this video as to what's wrong with the world.
It is obvious you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and you are not worthy of my time. So I leave you with this video as to what's wrong with the world.

You slay me. And oddly enough this song popped into my head sometime this morning..ROFL.
Conditioning is conditioning. It's essential for every sport, all year. You want to be able to throw a 100+ pound girl up in the air and then catch her? Condition. Nobody likes, it bit obviously everyone needs it. It's just a fact. At my old gym, we conditioned the first 20 minutes, and last 10 minutes every practice. I don't agree with people saying to just do it in the summer. Obviously the summer is good because you have more time, but it's really important IMO to keep it up all year.
Every sport needs you to be in tip top shape. At my HS, our first day of tryouts for almost every sport is soley runnning and conditiong. Like you don't bring you're equiptment, just sneakers and water. So for all those pushy, helicopter moms: wait till your child hits high school, and has to do a 2 mile run (yes, for cheerleading too), or a Snake sprint on the cheer mats. You'll probably regret interfering when you're child can't make it up the stairs.
It is obvious you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and you are not worthy of my time. So I leave you with this video as to what's wrong with the world.

i'm listening to my radio show and reading FierceBoard....I click on this thread to open up the first new post (this one) right as the radio show starts singing "Blame Canada!"
I think the bottom line is, conditioning is necessary. Everyone may not like it (i dont like it) but you have to do it, if you wanna win. And I personally like winning so I dont complain about it until I get home where nobody cares (: haha
taylor taryn said:
i do know the difference, and ive been on the board for over a week i just dont sit in front of my computer all day being rude to people or "stating facts" maybe have some respect and you'd get alot further in life.

Shoot. I thought everyone spent all day on Fierce Board. Whoopsies.

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