15 out of 20 from this past season's team were from cali. kyle, madi, lauren, jazzy, kassidy were originals from jr sm coed (worlds 1st place 2010). kk, riley, lily, malia, angie, payton, chimmy, ania, maia, and cody came from lady bullets, snipers or plastix prior to coming to smoed. i dont see how that translates into them (eddie and orby) not pulling from their own gym. their fill in flyer, lily (lvl 4 plastix), who helped them win worlds, was pretty much a lvl 1 cali allstar two-three years ago...
i think theyve proved themselves to be champions and don't owe or need to prove anything to anyone. whether 100% cali or 75% cali, in the end, theyve been 100% champions with talent.