I have a small rant. This may be generational, personality-related, or something, but:
I have a hard time with people not fully reading information that they are given. It seems that when people are given info in emails or otherwise, they do not read.
When you made the team, you were given a calendar of all important dates, information about the demerit system/policies, the practice wear schedule, etc. I don't assemble that information for you to contact me and ask. me. for. information. that. is. already. in. it.
You are a high school student. You know how to read. You have a calendar. If anything in the calendar changes, you are notified as soon as I know it. However, when the calendar hasn't changed, there is no need for questions already covered in the materials you were provided:
"What time are we dismissed from the youth clinic?" (Calendar)
"What is the practice wear for Monday?" (Practicewear schedule)
"Where is our fitting?" (In the email I sent about the fittings.)
Those questions are generally met with "Please see your calendar that you received at the team meeting." or "Please see the email/Remind text from 5/28." Oh, you lost it? Your friends have it. Problem solved.
Even better is when another ADULT asks me about something I sent an email about.
(Sidenote: I don't mind a SPECIFIC question. But asking me about something I sent in an email or printed in a calendar is a bit much.)