I know this post won't set well with some but in my opinion Summit will never be considered the best of the best until ;
1. All teams have an equal opportunity to attend.
-- Due to the cost of travel some of the best
teams in the U.S. won't attend. The event
geographically favors teams near event.
-- The manner in which the bids are
distributed is inconsistent and not.
equatable amongst the competitions.
2. Crossovers, sandbagging and stacking
(whatever you choose to call it) is under
3. Money is no longer the sole driving force
behind the event.
-- Enough $$ is made by the competitions.
Focus should be on excellence and
maintaining the credibility and
reputation of cheer and the event.
This is not being said to knock teams with bids attending Summit. Kudos on your bid. You have good cause to be proud . Your hard work has paid off. And I'm sure that you'll have a wonderful experience.
But, if Summit is to be what they claim it is then these items need rectified. Until then there will be many gyms not interested in attending, bid or not. Because to them the event has limited (if any) credibility. And it's just one more competition. An expensive one.