All-Star Summit Reflections And Recommendations

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This was my only problem with The Summit. The sandbagging and crossovers. To see kids from Junior 5 stingrays later show up on the junior 4 just squatting in the back and then tumbling to increase their tumbling score (obviously it is not against the rules and I am not faulting Stingrays for doing this) just saying I would like to see no crossovers at all for an event like The Summit. No crossovers for different teams at Worlds so the rules should be the same. If they change the crossover rule this year this would be a perfect competition because everything else was great!

I'm sorry! You are sadly mistaken. On Stingrays Junior 4 team, there were absolutely no crossovers. Every single girl who competed at The Summit with that team was a member of that team the entire season. There were no squatters.
Agreed they are just as important (I have a CP that is not on level 5), but in reality, Worlds is the biggest event of the year with the most to lose/gain, and I see nothing wrong with that. Not all of the best teams in the country are going to go to the Summit (proof positive with all of the paid bids that got turned down), but it would be hard to convince me that there is some amazing level 5 team out there that got a paid bid and had a chance to win Worlds and didn't go. I don't think the Summit should be the week after Worlds either. I think there needs to be enough time in between the two so that every team competing at either can have their coaches' full attention. I think having the Summit the first week in April could be ideal, but as I said before it will compete with UCA if it continues to be at Disney.
I absolutely agree with this. Our gym has gone to UCA Nationals for the past 4 years, this year we are attending NCA in Dallas and hoping for Summit bids. Having to Florida trips within weeks is too hard when we live on the west coast. I love going to Florida for these comps.
I posted this in the Summit vs. US finals thread before I found this one, so sorry for the repost, but I think it fits better here.

I didn't attend the summit this year, so my opinion is purely speculation. But, my biggest "gripe" so to speak with the summit, is the fear that it will take away from worlds. Last year I took my then level 3, 13 year old to Worlds just to watch. The awe and admiration that took over her for the whole weekend was amazing to say the least. I feel like if she had been to a similiar, same venue, same rock star feel event as a level 3 athlete, it surely would have taken away from the experience, and can only imagine the same would be true if she were competing.

Worlds is something that young kids strive for, for some (my daughter included) it is their strongest motivation to get level 5 skills. "I can't wait until I am on a level 5 team and can go to worlds." With The Summit being the very next weekend in the very same arena, I feel it takes away from it.

Like NCA, only the level 5 athletes (with a few exceptions, I believe this year the exception was the special needs teams) get to compete in the arena. That is something prestigious, reserved for them. I feel the same about Worlds. Worlds is like the Olympics of our sport, the best of the best competing for the honor of the World Champion title.

I understand the argument that Suzys gym doesn't have a level 5 team or Suzy just doesn't have the ability to be a level 5 athlete, BUT not every swimmer, gymnast or skier gets to go to the Olympics either. I feel like this screams the "every kid makes the team" mentality and I am not a fan.

Now, to have a competition of this type, a end of season, invitation only event for the level 1-4 teams in a different venue with a different set up, I am all for it. But NOT the same venue.
I totally agree with you here. Its obviously just a "worlds for teams other than senior 5 teams" and in my opinions when people say "well some kids may not ever have a chance to go to worlds..." it bugs me because some kids never have a chance to go to worlds in any other sport...its reserved for the highest level...and if you aren't that don't get to go. Its the way it goes. I love the idea of's just way too similar for me to buy "its not trying to be worlds" because it is.
Anyone received their rings yet? CP just hollered from the couch, Mom, When do we get our rings? She is dying to wear that to school to show it off before school let's out. (Don't know that I plan on letting her, but. . .)
Ding, Ding, Ding. Whatever it takes to get the hardware and it stinks because teams that should have a legit shot to win with the team that they won the bid with will lose out to teams who load up with higher level athletes to beat them out. I know I'm obviously not the only one who noticed it but with attention being brought to this subject I can only HOPE that some rules will be put into place to curb this practice. In my opinion it would be nice to see the roster handled just like Worlds and that may help to some degree. It would be nice for the playing field to be level for all teams.
Not to mention it would give the Summit legitimacy.
And that's not to take anything away from any teams who "danced with the one who bring ya"!
I also loved that most teams who made it to finals got banners. I know some divisions got those percentage breaks that made more people get to finals, but if you were top 5 you got a banner. Made us feel extra special being the only team in the gym to bring home a banner. :D
I personally feel like the Summit should be a senior event only, kind of like worlds. I have cheered since I was five and have been out of allstar cheerleading for 3 years now (though I do cheer in college). Even though I did cheer for 13 years, I was never able to reach the level five tumbling skills due to injury's and mental blocks. I do understand where people are coming from saying that they want younger kids to strive to become level five athletes (I mean realistically thats everyones goal) but if you are on a senior level team and non level five, realistically many won't move up to level five. I do think it is a good opportunity for the older girls though, who know they won't be on a level five, to go to an event like this. I know I wish I would have had the opportunity.

The problem with that is you then have people push to get their younger but age eligible kids on Senior teams even when the gym has younger teams skill level appropriate just so their baby can go to Summit. There is a lot to be said for keeping kids grouped with their age and development. A 10 year old on a Y4 would have many more opportunities to bond and develop team and relating to other skills when she is a peer versus the baby of the team. I get the age groups being flexible because there are areas where you have a talented level 4 10 year old but no team close to her age and a Senior team may be the best option skill wise for her - I feel fortunate to be in an area where there is a high number of gyms with younger teams at higher skill levels. To play devils advocate... should a 16 year old first year Senior 1 have a better reason to be at Summit then an 11 year old level 4 Youth whose mom kept that child on a team with other kids of the same age and development and teh gym said yes we will keep our kids grouped age appropriate? I'm not saying either deserves it more both worked equally hard but saying Senior only just opens a very large can of worms with parents who will push gyms to age up kids who really don't need to be aged up.
Our senior 3 got them yesterday!

They were beginning to wonder when they were getting them and they just showed up!
Awesome! And I didn't mean to sound so snippy when I re-read what I posted. Sitting at practice and was asked, hey, ask on that Fierce Board thing you're on about the rings by some other moms in parent room. Thanks @whoatiger. Girls are super excited.

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Pretty sure other gyms have done similar things regarding the rings but CP is super excited about the Summit ring party ceremony that our two teams that won rings are having this coming week. :D I wonder if she realizes I won't be letting her actually wear it anywhere????

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