All-Star Summit Reflections And Recommendations

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I think if the Summit was the same weekend, but at a different venue than ESPN (Like how Dance is at Epcot) then it might be a little more reasonable...

My gym decided to decline our Level 4's bid due to the fact that we can't afford to go to worlds for our level 5, and turn around and go again for 4... But even still, it's a lot easier for a gym to fly 20 athletes across the country rather than 60... I think the idea of the Summit was there, but it just isn't that reasonable for most...

Very mixed feelings to say the least.
And to add, I believe it's a bit ridiculous to have a Worlds-type competition for Level 1... I don't know how I feel about this, but I'm just going to go out on a limb... I don't like the idea of other levels having the same privileges of Level 5... If anything maybe the Summit could be just Level 4, or 4 & 3 and be in the much smaller DisneyLAND LOL but this could just be my selfish self...
i really love the whole concept of this, but the timing of it and the expense make it hard. some people have suggested making this your big comp on your schedule but what if you dont get a bid. our sport is sooo expensive to begin with, and at our gym we try to make it as affordable as possible, while still attending big nationals. i just wish there was another way.....

I think that is what is going to happen with my CP's gym. The program is very young and Summit may be a goal in the future but not anytime soon. I like the concept of it but we have Cheersport Nationals literally in our backyard so I think that winning that will be the gyms goal for a while.
As a parent I hope my CP can go to the big comps, including worlds, but this sport is not cheap.
I do want to hear about everyone's experience and reviews though.
Wait why does Level 5 get to have their own privileges? Level 1-4 is just important and glamorous as level 5. While I am sure all athletes strive to be the best they can and work really hard they just may never be Level 5 and there is nothing wrong with that.

The Summit is perfect and recognizes their hard work. And they deserve that. All athletes do regardless of level.

All this social media places too much focus on Level 5 - I hope with the start of the Summit, social media will equalize and recognize all levels.
I agree with @NoOneSpecial The vast majority of athletes in our sport will not only never make a level 5 team, they won't compete at worlds. There is nothing wrong with having an end of year, invitation only, National. If anything, this competition is harder to get a bid to than Worlds.
I've seen a lot of positive commentary from the Summit. I'd like to hear from the people who attended, and/or those who declined bids, your reflections about the weekend and any recommendations either to future producers or attendees.

5-6-7-8 Go!

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I absolutly loved it! I wasnt sure at first that it would be worth it....but it was so much more than I could imagine. I think being the weekend after worlds was rough, lots of teams went without practice since before worlds. Also we had no worlds to summit crossovers, but we had kids who had siblings at worlds that were at Disney for over a week bedore competing and were completly worn out! Still, I would do it again in a heart beat!!

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I like the idea of the summit and I think now with a trial and year done with it will turn into something great. With any sport pretty much there's always those end championship games I think it should be the same with cheer which is why I like it. You compete all year but having that one end of the year competition like the summit to finish out the year at a prestigious level I think is a good idea. I think if you have a true passion for Cheerleading just because you can go to the summit doesn't mean the ones on lower levels will stop working. The summit is not worlds and most cheerleaders dreams are to get the experience to go to worlds because of what it is and known of and to know you competed at the most prestigious competition at the top level.

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I agree with @NoOneSpecial The vast majority of athletes in our sport will not only never make a level 5 team, they won't compete at worlds. There is nothing wrong with having an end of year, invitation only, National. If anything, this competition is harder to get a bid to than Worlds.

The talent of every level 1, 2, 3 or 4, etc. team was incredible. It was all those, Wow, that 1 team stood out at that comp in that lower level all competing against each other. All the lower levels had true, true, true competition. It was amazing the amount of competition and how well run it was. Oh, and us truly younger lower levels, we get to go to NCA Dallas and we go to The Summit and it is great, but we'll be in the back left corner in Dallas and in the small venue at Summit. I hear @ascheerman was there, I don't think he entered Josten's. CP's team even won. No JC sighting for us.
Ok I'm just about over people bashing different levels that aren't "5". There are multiple levels for a reason. In my experience watching many teams from many different programs and speaking to coaches/gym owners these athletes work just as hard. They LOVE cheerleading just as much. They pay their bills and show up to practice just like everyone else. "Elite" athletes of any sport start somewhere and not all will reach that "Elite" level. Doesn't mean they love it any less.
Get off your high horse and show some respect! All athletes that work hard at ANY level deserve the opportunity to display their efforts!!!

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While I like the concept in theory, I do think there are some kinks to be worked out and things to address. And while I appreciate the sentiment of 'everyone is special and works just as hard,' you also can't look me in the face and tell me 1-4 is just as glamorous as level 5. Last I checked, there's been no thread about Summit Practice Wear, has there? :P

There are clearly some factors discouraging participants, and so I can't necessarily it's truly 'best of the best' until everyone has a feasible way of participating (fiscally). It would be nice if eventually there could be an international aspect of it, highlighting the best teams in each division around the globe (although I understand divisions aren't exactly the same age-wise abroad).
Is it possible for a team to compete at worlds, lets say as small all girl 5 and then turn around and compete at summit as small all girl restricted 5? or even drop to level 4?
Is it possible for a team to compete at worlds, lets say as small all girl 5 and then turn around and compete at summit as small all girl restricted 5? or even drop to level 4?
That could theoretically happen I guess but they would have to do the same at a competition during the season (or field a level 4 team good enough to get a bid) to qualify for the Summit.
I think it's a great concept but dislike the timing. It's too close to worlds and while I understand that it needs to be after worlds so that gyms with worlds teams can concentrate properly on those first, maybe there needs to be more time between so that the summit teams can have full coaching staffs and practices to prepare too.
But then we are into tryout season... I have no good solution!

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