All-Star Summit Reflections And Recommendations

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I saw multiple negative Tweets about the Summit from level 5 athletes throughout the weekend. I was NOT impressed by that. People need to get over themselves, only because they went to Worlds doesn't mean they are better than everyone else or worked harder than Kids on Level 3 Teams. I actually got really mad! I think the Summit is a great idea and it would also be a possibility for International Teams to compete at a Worlds-like Competition without having 15 running Doubles or whatever. But i feel like right now it's not going to become a prestigigious competition because of all the people badmouthing the lower level Teams.
I was waiting on a mom from our gym to post front view but here is our team that doesn't deserve a chance to showcase their talents at the end of the year in some of your opinion at a Worldslike event and compete against all the other Y2 that had sync tumbling just like them at L2, etc., because that right there usually worked in their favor at most comps, but not at Summit, every Y2 youth looked very similar in skills and ability, clean, etc. And maybe we didn't all post our Summit practicewear here because of straight negativity Summit was receiving from some, plus none of us had been before, what if it was something we all felt duped into attending? It wasn't. But I didn't see a team there that wasn't at least wearing a gym Summit Tshirt from their gym.
I was waiting on a mom from our gym to post front view but here is our team that doesn't deserve a chance to showcase their talents at the end of the year in some of your opinion at a Worldslike event and compete against all the other Y2 that had sync tumbling just like them at L2, etc., because that right there usually worked in their favor at most comps, but not at Summit, every Y2 youth looked very similar in skills and ability, clean, etc. And maybe we didn't all post our Summit practicewear here because of straight negativity Summit was receiving from some, plus none of us had been before, what if it was something we all felt duped into attending? It wasn't. But I didn't see a team there that wasn't at least wearing a gym Summit Tshirt from their gym.

what a GREAT level 2 team! and LOVED the routine!! i was thoroughly entertained!!
I really like the idea of having a year-end bid required nationals for lower levels, but I don't like the location. It's set up so similarly to Worlds that I think it might make your first worlds not as exciting, if you've already competed there on an almost-identical stage, especially if you've done it like 4 times over the years. Plus Disney is all the way on the east coast which makes travel hard from the western side of the country. I can tell you right now if my team got a full-paid bid to the summit we wouldn't go, because its too expensive especially to do every year from level 1-level 5 when you actually go to worlds.
I wish they would do it somewhere more central. The levels 1-4 definitely need a worlds-like year-end championship, but somewhere other than Disney b

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my opinion is mixed. I thought it was a beautiful set up and a lot of time and energy went into making the summit a worlds like event.
my daughter was on large junior 5. We received a paid bid at an early comp. We were told that the non worlds level 5 teams would be featured. I guess due to crossovers not many junior 5 teams were there. We were put in a division of 2. We were the first team on the mat at the crack of dawn. Now I know someone has to go first, but believe me there was not a line of people waiting to see us. The only people there were parents that also had kids competing around the same time.
So for Junior 5 it was not worlds. It was just an end of the year comp. Divisions were combined due to lack of teams. That would never happen at Worlds. I think Varsity has a huge package event that is great... Disney must be in love with a,l the $$$ coming in 2 weekends back to back
I saw multiple negative Tweets about the Summit from level 5 athletes throughout the weekend. I was NOT impressed by that. People need to get over themselves, only because they went to Worlds doesn't mean they are better than everyone else or worked harder than Kids on Level 3 Teams. I actually got really mad! I think the Summit is a great idea and it would also be a possibility for International Teams to compete at a Worlds-like Competition without having 15 running Doubles or whatever. But i feel like right now it's not going to become a prestigigious competition because of all the people badmouthing the lower level Teams.

I honestly feel this is because it comes AFTER Worlds. Worlds should be the last event. It is in peoples minds that the last thing that is done in the season for cheer should be the hardest to win (Worlds). It does a disservice to all these fantastic lower level athletes by going after because it is going to draw some ire from Worlds athletes. And we can sit her all day and say that isn't how it 'should be', but in reality that is how it is. Fix all that by doing the Summit, ICU, Worlds in that order in a week (well 9 days).
As a parent, I enjoyed The Summit and felt the event was very well executed. I'm not going to debate whether levels 1-4 "deserve" such an event but, I will tell you the teams battled it out on the floors, the excitement was high, and the drama was low. This is not a Worlds event, it is a National. Would I like to see the crossover rule change? Yes. Do I see more gyms wanting to attend next year? Definitely.
Wait why does Level 5 get to have their own privileges? Level 1-4 is just important and glamorous as level 5. While I am sure all athletes strive to be the best they can and work really hard they just may never be Level 5 and there is nothing wrong with that.

The Summit is perfect and recognizes their hard work. And they deserve that. All athletes do regardless of level.

All this social media places too much focus on Level 5 - I hope with the start of the Summit, social media will equalize and recognize all levels.

THANK YOU! it's not ALL about level 5. majority of all star cheerleaders are NOT level 5.
While I like the concept in theory, I do think there are some kinks to be worked out and things to address. And while I appreciate the sentiment of 'everyone is special and works just as hard,' you also can't look me in the face and tell me 1-4 is just as glamorous as level 5. Last I checked, there's been no thread about Summit Practice Wear, has there? :P

There are clearly some factors discouraging participants, and so I can't necessarily it's truly 'best of the best' until everyone has a feasible way of participating (fiscally). It would be nice if eventually there could be an international aspect of it, highlighting the best teams in each division around the globe (although I understand divisions aren't exactly the same age-wise abroad).
Kristen I respect everything you've ever said on this board but I have a HUGE issue with "they just aren't as glamorous". I feel like that is big problem that cheer is facing. And to be honest I saw more "practice wear/summit" shirts than I did at Worlds. How "glamorous" you are shouldn't matter one bit. Your skills, hard work etc. that's what should matter the most.

Ill say this about the Summit this weekend, some of the BEST routines I saw all weekend were from gyms I've never heard of or seen. Their uniforms were ugly, had weird hair and no makeup on. They had solid technique, great attitudes and loved cheer just as much as the gym with an $8,000.00 uniform, hair that touched the Gods and kids that have Oprah following them on twitter. And you know what, they made finals.
It wasn't about the uniform, glitz glamour and all that garbage. And coaches if you want to get ideas for next season and you DON'T have the Summit feed your crazy.

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I was waiting on a mom from our gym to post front view but here is our team that doesn't deserve a chance to showcase their talents at the end of the year in some of your opinion at a Worldslike event and compete against all the other Y2 that had sync tumbling just like them at L2, etc., because that right there usually worked in their favor at most comps, but not at Summit, every Y2 youth looked very similar in skills and ability, clean, etc. And maybe we didn't all post our Summit practicewear here because of straight negativity Summit was receiving from some, plus none of us had been before, what if it was something we all felt duped into attending? It wasn't. But I didn't see a team there that wasn't at least wearing a gym Summit Tshirt from their gym.

They were GREAT!!!!!

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I need to throw a rant out there for the lower level teams out there not being as glamorous as some people feel...

I would rather watch a well executed level 4 routine then some of the sloppy and somewhat dangerous level 5 routines that people feel that need to produce... Just cause you have a level 5 doesn't mean you are fabulous.

From what I heard the level of talent at The Summit was amazing and all the bids were well deserved. From the FB posts from worlds, it seemed that Medium AG at Worlds was a mess and well, if those teams stayed restricted 5 or level 4, they may have been able to blow some teams out of the water.. Ok, off my soap box!
I honestly feel this is because it comes AFTER Worlds. Worlds should be the last event. It is in peoples minds that the last thing that is done in the season for cheer should be the hardest to win (Worlds). It does a disservice to all these fantastic lower level athletes by going after because it is going to draw some ire from Worlds athletes. And we can sit her all day and say that isn't how it 'should be', but in reality that is how it is. Fix all that by doing the Summit, ICU, Worlds in that order in a week (well 9 days).
I'm torn here - for the reasons you have stated, I agree it would make much more sense to have the Summit before Worlds. However, most Worlds teams practice heavily the last two weeks before Worlds, and I will be pretty upset if my Worlds coaches take off to Florida a week before Worlds to coach at a competition for other teams. It is not financially or academically feasible for entire teams to take more than a week off from school just so they can practice with their coaches (not to mention there are no ideal on-site practice locations for full-out routines unless you can get space at a local gym which means added transportation expenses), so I have a hard time believing most gyms could make a 9-day competition work for their athletes and families with Worlds being at the end of the 9 days. I think the Summit is a great idea and it sounds like overall it was well executed, but they need to figure out a different time frame, which if they continue to have it at Disney then Varsity is competing with their own events at the same venue (i.e. UCA).
I'm torn here - for the reasons you have stated, I agree it would make much more sense to have the Summit before Worlds. However, most Worlds teams practice heavily the last two weeks before Worlds, and I will be pretty upset if my Worlds coaches take off to Florida a week before Worlds to coach at a competition for other teams. It is not financially or academically feasible for entire teams to take more than a week off from school just so they can practice with their coaches (not to mention there are no ideal on-site practice locations for full-out routines unless you can get space at a local gym which means added transportation expenses), so I have a hard time believing most gyms could make a 9-day competition work for their athletes and families with Worlds being at the end of the 9 days. I think the Summit is a great idea and it sounds like overall it was well executed, but they need to figure out a different time frame, which if they continue to have it at Disney then Varsity is competing with their own events at the same venue (i.e. UCA).

so is the same not true for the non worlds teams? usually they are the ones who make up the bulk of your revenue for your program.
Here is our Youth 3 at Summit Day 2. They are a first year true Y3 team who were mostly mini's 2 years ago, the rest are new. We were honored to be 3rd to Cheer Corp and East Celebrity Elite. Scores were close 70.69, 69.89 and us 69.60. No deductions either day. It was an amazing weekend with 10 tough teams in our division plus us and I hope people enjoyed watching us :) Here we are: