OK, I have had some sleep, so I can put together some thoughts (sorry, they may be a bit wordy...still tired.)
Competition itself - As a parent / spectator, it was a great competition! On time, good production, strong competition. We didn't do a hotel package, so we didn't have any issues there. I was concerned with how CP would handle a competition with 20+ strong competitors in her division, but even she really could see the "value" of competing with such a strong field of teams. Basically, you had to be just about perfect to make it to day 2, and even then it was tight. It really taught her great lessons about cheer, sportsmanship, and competition. It sort of reminds me of the movie "Center Stage" where the instructor asks the ballet students to raise their hands if they were the best dancer at their old studio and they all raise their hands. This was like that, the best of the best (who accepted of course, I know there are more great teams out there who didn't / couldn't go...no disrespect for those teams at all!) It really was such an honor to just be awarded a bid to attend.
Someone above mentioned a "pre-event" party, I think that is a great idea!!
OK, my issues / potential for issues:
1. Expense!!! It was amazing to go this year, but I could not see myself doing this again next year (CP is young), assuming CPs new team earns a bid. Not only the $$, but the time required to go. It is a long trip from out west, and it is an effort just getting there, LOL! I don't know how gyms would need to start addressing this from tryouts. It is great to have the attitude that "we'll cross that bridge when we get to it" but if this keeps gaining momentum, I think at some point identifying who can/can't commit to going to the Summit may need to be known up front. I would hate for CP to compete all year with a team, earn a bid with that team, then tell the gym (and CP) sorry, we can't go. So I wouls assume gyms would be creating teams with the Summit at least in the back of their minds. Which leads to #2...sort of.
2. Sandbagging / Creating "Summit" teams - I still don't mind occasional crossovers within 1-2 levels, because I truly believe a few higher level athletes don't make a team. But, I can see the real potential here for gyms creating specific "Summit" teams. I get that it is totally legal by the rules, but definitely not within the spirit of the "game." The Y2 team posted above looks like a great, clean level 2 team (jumps looked l2, etc.) From my inexperienced eye, they didn't look like a team of higher level athletes competing level 2. But without any controls I can see levels 1-3 turning into a hot mess of sandbagging teams. (Shoot, I guess all levels would be vulnerable.) And let's be honest, all it takes is 1 to win a division, and now the game has changed in the future. You can have 28 true "level" teams beat by 1 "sandbag" team and guess what happens next year...
3. Location - I guess this also goes with #1, but since this is for lower levels (where people may be less apt to travel), it would be awesome if this could be a traveling competition. I was so jealous of seeing cars in the parking lot with gym stickers...how nice to be able to drive! :) Now I realize not everyone drove, but even to be within a timezone would be great.
Ok, I'm sure I have other thoughts, but can't think anymore...time for more coffee.