@cupieqt you are right, there will be hurt feelings but that is still no reason for kids and adults to say horrible things on social media and to others about the departing child or family which apparently is the departing families fault for not leaving properly. We had a private meeting with an owner/coach and before we made the 20 minute trip home and spoke to anyone about it all the poop hit the fan. Had to turn off cp's phone, again within the 20 minutes, because of all the stuff being sent to him.
On the positive side: we left gyms again this season with the owners and coaches blessing and assistance in helping him at the new gym and offers of him to return at anytime even if just a visit.
I think a lot of the difference in treatment is set by the gyms atmosphere starting with the attitude of the owners. I know this is not your style but used this post as a starting point. Hope not offending you.
Please send more money