I want to make it clear that I am not running away but the stress this has caused is really effecting me. I don't do stress well and crying daily should not be a part of the Fierce Board Experience. Amanda used a string of people in an elaborate web of lies. She was particularly good at making people feel sorry for her and LOVES the attention. Just ask her about the kidney she gave to her dying brother that ended her cheerleading career...poor thing couldn't do any more contact sports. Oh wait...that never really happened. I never saw the danger in the thread that started as a simple explanation for curious people but I do now. It stirred peoples curiosity about who she was but also about who she might be now on Fierce.
Poor 4D3CHEER could actually and genuinely be a real person that has nothing to do with Amanda but STILL I can't believe...truly I can not. This is not about "I won't", it's about I genuinely can't. Do you want to know why? Because I had a friend that was an illusion, she was nothing more than a fabricated lie with a fake life...she used a string of people as pawns in a game for her own entertainment. Just like 4D3Cheer and many others she had a FB, she had collected all the people that would make her look genuine. She had all the right pictures and said all the right things. People felt like they knew her, people talked with her and about her like she was a part of their life but when you finally got down to it...NOBODY knew her.
The girl whose FB website Amanda high-jacked was real too and she was also traumatized. She was upset that Amanda used pictures of her nephew and talked about her boyfriend as if he were her own. She violated this woman using her family pictures...her parents, siblings, cousins, friends and anyone else she could jack a picture of from this poor girls life. She also must feel that the world is not as safe a place as she once thought.
If a girl can create an illusion that complete...she can do it again. I don't believe Amanda...and her story of being the victim of some other girl using her screen name...how convenient and now she never has to take responsibility for her actions. Amanda you are absolved of all your sins and now all your Ztaprincess friends can welcome you back with open arms. Don't worry she won't lie to you cause she is going to be genuine now.
I will be lurking but not posting. I still love cheer and things are just starting to heat up in the cheer world and I really don't want to miss anything. The only apology that I have for 4D3CHEER is I am sorry that I am no longer a person who can believe. I don't trust myself. To those of you who brought 4D3CHEER to my attention please don't EVER do it again. If Amanda makes her way back on to the board I want to be blissfully ignorant of her presence. I didn't see 4D3 as Amanda until it was brought to my attention...then suddenly I couldn't see anything else. I am sure you thought "I should know"or you were doing me a favor. PLEASE don't share your thoughts regarding the new identity of appldrinkum/whoadeedle/peanut/Ztaprincess...my sanity obviously can't take it. The people I love on here know who they are...and that really hasn't changed.
Sadly I leave feeling just like I did the first time all this happened...a fool. The gift that just keeps giving.