I think we should maybe attempt to leave names off (especially full names) unless someone directly related to that person (mother or father) has expressed to someone that it's ok, particularly if they're junior and under. I mean, if they're in American Cheerleader or whatever those magazines are, the kids name is already out there and so people could easily know who they are; but since names aren't announced like they are in gymnastics, maybe their parent doesn't want them to have their name plastered across a message board (particularly one that has at least 50,000 people on it a month!)..Or maybe just their first name discreetly posted via PM. Just throwing ideas out there. I wouldn't want my future children's full names splashed all over the web- google's a dangerous thing :(
If someone hasn't posted any other type of info on a public site PERSONALLY, I would try to avoid discussing it. I don't care if Susie Allstar tweets about Jane Doecheer going to XYZ Cheer Dream Team, unless Jane specifically puts it out there, it really isn't anyone's business and we don't really need to discuss it. Let's face it- it usually ends in drama anyway, or somebody comes on and tries to get the info out and over with to keep drama away. Which is a shame if the person really doesn't want people to know :confused: