There were a small number of athletes who posted some things that were across the line and they were dealt with. I didn't personally see anything that I would consider "bullying", but it is possible that most offending posts were deleted before myself or the coaches could see them. The people who were initially publicly frustrated with Cami were pretty quickly condemned by most of the other CA athletes (as well they should have been.)
It's not an excuse, but the microscope that comes along with cheerlebrity-ness didn't help the situation here. Things like mental blocks, roster situations, and moving gyms are all fairly serious issues on their own - even before being discussed at length by hundreds, if not thousands of people through the lens of their twitter accounts.
We do the best we can to monitor what our athletes say and do. However, it simply isn't possible for us to guarantee that every single tweet and sentence uttered out of the mouths of hundreds of teenagers is going to be sweet and innocent. If the tweets of a few of our athletes changes your opinion of our program, then that is certainly your prerogative.
Regardless, we wish the best for her and our friends at Spirit.