All-Star Tanning Beds Vs Spray Tanning

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Walmart lotion?! Spend money on the good stuff, please! I know Designer Skin is a popular brand and it's okay, but overpriced for what you're getting IMO. Swedish Beauty, Devoted Creations, and (the higher-end) Cal Tan stuff are actually GOOD for your skin and protect it more in the long run. Some are expensive, but many are middle priced. Swedish Beauty is a good brand and I feel like it's not as much "intense bronzing!" gimmicky as others. I used a Fig scented one and loved it. A lot of girls came to tan because their dermatologist suggested
What kind of dermatologist would suggest tanning when it's awful for your skin?
So let me old was everyone when they started tanning? I'm asking so I can guide my cp when she starts asking!
I always thought the tanning lotions would work well, until the last comp I went to and I was walking behind someone who missed a lot of spots on her legs...they were all streaky and I felt so embarrassed for her. So much so that in my mind I said "well, now I will have to consider tanning beds when cp asks because we CANNOT look like THAT!!" I know...I'm horrible...but it was pretty bad!!
Where i live you have to be 16 to tan, but if you are under you must have a parent with you on every visit and they have to sign for you. I started when I was 16, which I believe is a good age, because I drove my self there and I only tanned like 3 times a week so it wasn't that intense.

Also has anyone done a 'versa' tan? I've been wondering how well it works or doesn't work!
My CP's now have a tanning bed thanks to their Paw Paw. I'm hoping once she get's the color she wants to be that it'll only take 2 or 3 days a week to maintain it.

As far as to why I think there are so many more tan threads lately is the influx of so much white into uniforms over the years.

Wow! Lucky!! How much does something like that cost? Where do you keep the tanning beds?
What kind of dermatologist would suggest tanning when it's awful for your skin?

UVA and UVB light can actually help clear acne in some people - I never really had acne issues, but tanning did help to keep my skin clear. Some doctors even use light therapy as treatments. And those girls usually didn't come in everyday either, their goal wasn't necessarily to get tan. Not every treatment is for everyone. :)
UVA and UVB light can actually help clear acne in some people - I never really had acne issues, but tanning did help to keep my skin clear. Some doctors even use light therapy as treatments. And those girls usually didn't come in everyday either, their goal wasn't necessarily to get tan. Not every treatment is for everyone. :)
Ahhh, okay, I didn't know that! I was really only asking because I had a dermatology appointment a couple weeks ago (my mom had melanoma so we have regular checkups) and the doctor went on for about 10 minutes on tanning beds and how she thought that dermatologists who recommended tanning should lose their license and all of that. But thank you for explaining! I didn't know that it could help clear up skin.
Wow! Lucky!! How much does something like that cost? Where do you keep the tanning beds?

I have no idea. It was given to them by their Grandfather. I'm sorry! And we keep it in our spare bedroom.
So let me old was everyone when they started tanning? I'm asking so I can guide my cp when she starts asking!
I always thought the tanning lotions would work well, until the last comp I went to and I was walking behind someone who missed a lot of spots on her legs...they were all streaky and I felt so embarrassed for her. So much so that in my mind I said "well, now I will have to consider tanning beds when cp asks because we CANNOT look like THAT!!" I know...I'm horrible...but it was pretty bad!!

In the not so lovely state of Wisconsin you have to be 16, although my mom did like on the age we were born once (only by a year) so that she could sign is up. I never ende up going :/

I've never been tanning in a salon and honestly I think I'd be claustrophobic inside the bed.
I get a lot more tan from the bed vs. spray but the biggest problem is $$$ wise, all the salons around here are so expensive! If your pale and wanting to start the tanning beds, PLEASE do not go in the full time at first. I've seen some very fair skinned people get extremely burned from going into a strong bed for too long. You have to gradually biuld up to going the full time, start by 5 or 6 minutes and as you get a base tan, add more time. If you go in too long your first time you will burn, which not only horrible for your skin, but you will probably peel after that, and we all know that isn't cute.
I have nothing against anyone using tanning beds (I've never done it myself because I have naturally olive skin & it's your own body/own choice) but I just can't believe how young it sounds like everyone starts to use them!
In Australia the legal age was 18, but as of 2013 all tanning beds in most states will be banned and considered illegal due to a new law that was passed regarding skin cancer
Wow! Lucky!! How much does something like that cost? Where do you keep the tanning beds?

I just googled tanning beds and found SunCo. I clicked on it because it sounded familiar, but I'm sure there's a ton of great websites. They have beds for commercial and residential use, along with a used section. The used prices range from about 1k-8k and they also have stand ups for sale in the used section.
I would just keep in mind that you'd need to buy bulbs and learn to replace them (probably not expensive and easy to put in), take apart the bed and dust/clean the inside, and sometimes the acrylic of the beds can crack with a lot of use. But it'd still probably be a lot cheaper than buying a membership somewhere!
i use the bed and i haven't found anything bad with it, except for the cancer later in life i will probably have haha. but if you get the tanning lotion at walmart or something, you get like 5x tanner in the bed than normal and it is really nice because it lasts, it just sucks when you burn, but fades quicker than a normal sun burn. Also, it is really convenient and i relaxing, i make all my life decisions in the tanning bed haha

Natalie, please Google melanoma and I think you will find that cancer (of any type) is not funny.
While I know that tanning beds are really bad for you, what are the benefits of them over spray tanning?

Ummmm.... melanoma?

In all seriousness, I used to work for a dermatologist. It was lots of fun sending 22 year old girls to a general surgeon for a wide excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy to treat their melanoma :rolleyes:

You don't smoke, right? Why? Cause it causes cancer. So what's the difference?

FYI: all of those pictures you see online of those awful looking melanoma lesions... I only ever saw ONE that looked like that. All of the other ones we removed looked like a mildly irregular mole that the vast majority of the population wouldn't even bat an eye at.
Ummmm.... melanoma?

In all seriousness, I used to work for a dermatologist. It was lots of fun sending 22 year old girls to a general surgeon for a wide excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy to treat their melanoma :rolleyes:

You don't smoke, right? Why? Cause it causes cancer. So what's the difference?

FYI: all of those pictures you see online of those awful looking melanoma lesions... I only ever saw ONE that looked like that. All of the other ones we removed looked like a mildly irregular mole that the vast majority of the population wouldn't even bat an eye at.

Yes, please, please be careful. I have had three friends diagnosed with Melanoma - all in their early and mid thirties. I am certain after what they have all been through (one is blind in one eye, the other two endured very rough Interferon treatments) they would take back any careless time that they had in the sun. All seem to be okay at the moment, but each day live their lives in fear that cancer will return and rob them of precious time with their children.

I am a huge fan of the sun, and clearly I have damaged my skin - I have sun spots everywhere and have had countless areas removed, and/or frozen and biopsied. I can honestly say that my time tanning on a black roof covered in baby oil was probably not the best idea.

There really are some great spray products out there and if you must tan I would suggest using the beds for very special occasions. I would only (reluctantly) recommend the expensive high pressure UVA beds. You won't burn as bad and you don't have to go nearly as often to get good color.
I wish people would stop thinking that tanning is something you HAVE to do if you're a cheerleader. I get it; the stage lights are bright, a lot of uniforms are white (mine is) and a lot of people look better with a tan. But I am so sick of seeing and hearing cheerleaders judging other cheerleaders for being pale or not tanning! It is someone's choice whether they tan/spray tan or not! I hate to see young people being put at risk for cancer just to look better in their uniforms.