Not all team moms give out the goody bags (although that is very nice) since it can get expensive. I was team mom last year of a mini team. I coordinated team building parties (pool party, skating party, and gym lock-in), sent e-mails on behalf of the coaches, kept the parents informed of practices, competition details, etc. I had a phone roster of all parents and if kids were late to practice or competition, I would make the calls on behalf of the coaches to find out where everyone was. I also sent out the website info for each competition with the 'event/parent' information on admission, parking, if cameras/video was allowed. If it was an out of town competition I provided some hotel recommendations (this gym did not do group/block booking). Most parents tried to stay at the same hotels. I also asked everyone to provide me the name of the hotel they were staying at so we could find everyone if needed. With the younger teams, like Minis, I don't think you can give out too much information because it was most of the girls first year cheering. I also coordinated the coaches Christmas gift and end of season gift, etc. There was another mom that volunteered to collect pictures from all the other parents and made a nice photo book for all the girls. At competitions, I have helped in the back during practice, collected the girls warm-ups before going on stage (outdoor competition) and just other little things that the coaches didn't have time to bother with.
If you think it is a bit too much for one person, then I would suggest having two team moms. We unofficially have two team moms due to the first volunteer's job has kept her very busy, so another mom assists her. Nothing wrong with a group effort. :-)