- Feb 4, 2010
- 5,486
- 19,660
@CEAisstronger I will concede based on your comments no harm was meant, and I will swallow the pills my fellow Fb's have shared with me. As a business person, however, I choke them down knowing we don't look at things from the same perspective.
As a fan of CEA and looking at their teams in Wiki, I noticed they have three large 4.2 teams and one small 4.2 team. So thinking in the business perspective, as I tend to do: $150 (avg monthly tuition) x a possible 116 athletes x 12 months in a year= $208,800 (approx.) these 4.2 cheerleaders bring to the table at CEA this year. Fast forward, as I am reading through the threads I notice the jokes of "craptastic allstars 4.2", "point flyer on 4.2", "craptastic allstars world champion 4.2", etc. and then I realize these 5-6 "jokes" I've read in the span of 10 minutes all came from the same CEA fan/athlete. If these comments had come from any other gym fan/athlete, I probably wouldn't have given it another thought, but CEA represents almost 20% of the total 4.2 population and a large sum of money coming into their gym. Do I over think things? Yes, I am a geek. Do I still think you should reconsider joking about 4.2? Yes, if you are an athlete at CEA, but only because I over think the consequences, too.
The business cap is off, the pills have been swallowed, the catlady is "chilled".
with all due respect, did you throw the pills back up after you swallowed them?:D Seriously, you have taken the "4.2 joke" WAY too hard. I think you have been on these boards long enough to know that several posters like to add humor to their posts, and you often can't take things too literally here. There are some threads that have become infamous over the years and the 4.2 going to Worlds thread is one of them. No one is really knocking 4.2 teams, and I don't feel @CEAisstronger has ever been intentionally malicious in any of her posts. Furthermore, she is not in charge of CEA's financials or business practices, and I hardly think anyone that is on a 4.2 team at any gym has decided to quit because they are offended by what FB members are posting. I am sorry you were offended by any of the posts, but I think it has been made clear multiple times that it was all in good fun, which is what we are all here for!!