All-Star Teeth Whitening

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I had no idea white strips caused such bad sensitivity or that when you got your teeth whitened at the dentist it hurt! I've always wanted to do both but now it has me kinda scared ha. My brother used whitening stripes before Christmas and I noticed right away. His teeth looked great. I'm not sure what brand he used or if he had any bad problems with them. Do 11 year olds even have all their baby teeth out? Lol I can't remember.
I addition to the tips posted, I've began using a straw for any dark drinks I drink. I drink a lot of tea and coffee, so giving them up wasn't an option. Drinking hot coffee from a straw is a little weird but it's worth it to keep from staining.
I had no idea white strips caused such bad sensitivity or that when you got your teeth whitened at the dentist it hurt! I've always wanted to do both but now it has me kinda scared ha. My brother used whitening stripes before Christmas and I noticed right away. His teeth looked great. I'm not sure what brand he used or if he had any bad problems with them. Do 11 year olds even have all their baby teeth out? Lol I can't remember.
That's around the time they finish losing them. My sister had all of hers out by about 11 and a half and got braces then. I was around the same because I had my braces on by 5th grade when I was like 10. I think they might have pulled one or two to put mine one.
That's around the time they finish losing them. My sister had all of hers out by about 11 and a half and got braces then. I was around the same because I had my braces on by 5th grade when I was like 10. I think they might have pulled one or two to put mine one.
My cousin got braces at 5th grade (or maybe it was 4th?). I thankfully never had to get braces but I remember getting teeth pulled when I was in like 5th grade so I was like 10 or 11.
i have a few little "tricks" i used to do since i was young and people always ask me what product i used to get such a white natural looking teeth:)

when i brush my teeth i dont rinse my mouth with water afterwards, but rinse the toothbrush and brush my teeth again and keep rinsing the brush until i feel there is no toothpaste left in my mount. takes about 5 rinses.

also i often rub my teeth with a strawberry. i heard you can also do it with the inside of a lemonpeel.
I used the crest whitening strips as well and also experienced the sensitivity. I've got very strong teeth. No cavities and such and I was surprised at how much my teeth ached. They were very sore a few hours after whitening and the sensitivity only lasted a couple hours. I guess beauty is pain?

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I had no idea white strips caused such bad sensitivity or that when you got your teeth whitened at the dentist it hurt! I've always wanted to do both but now it has me kinda scared ha. My brother used whitening stripes before Christmas and I noticed right away. His teeth looked great. I'm not sure what brand he used or if he had any bad problems with them. Do 11 year olds even have all their baby teeth out? Lol I can't remember.
I started loosing teeth at age 4 and got braces in 3rd grade when I was 9 as I had already lost all my teeth and had extremely crooked adult teeth. As for the whitening strips, I've used crest whitening strips and experienced no pain. However, they wouldn't stay on my teeth! I have tiny teeth so that may be why but after 10-15 minutes of having them on they start to slide off. Also, I remember my dentist saying you had to be AT LEAST 16.
Ok, I'm a custom tray and whitening gel girl.

Sensitivity, yes. It happens with all whitening treatments because the compound temporarily opens the "pores" in the tooth, allowing the whitening agent to do its thing on the stains. There's no way to avoid it. I brush with Sensodyne after a few days' touch-up whitening and that helps a lot.

I would just check with CP's dentist. It might be ok. At some point (probably pre-braces) I'll check into it for Mini because he has discolored teeth from medications for asthma.
Old remedy my grandmother taught me and it works like a charm and is the safest way to do it. Forget those whitening kits at the store. They usually have all kinds of chemicals that are bad for you. Here's what you do. Get some baking soda. Put it in a small container. Add several drops of hydrogen peroxide. Then add a small dab of your favorite toothpaste (I would recommend something without fluoride as fluoride is VERY bad for you. It's a poison and should never be ingested, even though they put it in our drinking water).

Mix it all together and brush with it a few times a week. Guaranteed to whiten your smile after just one try. Make sure the child knows not to swallow. Rinse well after. Good luck!

Thanks John! My daughter actually cheers at the Ventura gym. Gabbi caught a ride with us to the San Jose competition last month, she's a gem! Our girls were quite giddy to have her in the car. We will def give that a try!
Curiosity has me. Why should an 11 yo need to whiten their teeth anyway? Heavy smoker and coffee drinker?

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Not that I know of....unless she is a closet coffee drinker! She asked to me to buy her some whitening strips. Her teeth are normal I would cavities to date. I just think she sees some extra white smiles. I'm thinking we will stick with a toothpaste and wait to see our dentist in April.
Not that I know of....unless she is a closet coffee drinker! She asked to me to buy her some whitening strips. Her teeth are normal I would cavities to date. I just think she sees some extra white smiles. I'm thinking we will stick with a toothpaste and wait to see our dentist in April.
Good idea! I (like others on here) can vouch for Crest Vivid White. Then if the dentist approves whitestripes they have some strip products in that line that compliment the toothpaste perfectly.
I was told "if it stains a white t-shirt it stains your teeth" so I typically only drink clear liquids and if I do want something dark, like a sweet tea, I always drink it with a straw :)
You could also try letting her swish with some hydrogen peroxide in water. Very important to spit it out after, but it is good for gums too. Do it at night after brushing at bedtime.
This can cause something called "hairy tongue" if used too much.

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